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Forum running really slow and delays?

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i have been having issues too but i was on from home the last 4 days so i thought it was me. good to know its not, bad to know we got too much crap on here again sad.gif


hmmmmm, maybe if we put the shoutbox back on it will work in reverse? j/k wink.gif

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I dont know if this forum is the same as the other one I was on but....


I am a member of another forum just like this one-in fact the layout is the exact same. (they recently changed it-probably using a different server or something?? IDK) but when that forum would run exteremly slow the owner ( or whoever it was) said when the threads get over 200 posts it slowed the forum down-so when we would have a thread get to 200, we would create a new one ( call it part 2 or 3 or 12....lol) and throw the link to the new thread into the thread....IDk if it made a difference or not.


So people would go to the thread they were on-and we would do somehting like STO: new thread here and have the link to the new one.....


I know I woud just create a new thread.....in a new window....and start a second edition fo a thread. There were months when we would seriously get to 12-13 threads! each with 200 posts....very chatty group! LOL


I dont know if this is an idea....i suppose someone might know?

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