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I spent the afternoon in the ER (nothing serious though)


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Ugh...I'm such an idiot. I was walking out of an office at work and was holding the door for someone behind me and talking to someone in front of me. Well the person behind me turned around and I let go of the door not realizing my fingers were in the crack. 3 of my fingers on my left hand got stuck in the heavy heavy door (that slams shut if no one is holding it open). The doctor who was in front of me didn't realize it happened because I couldn't talk I was in so much pain; so it took a good 20-30 seconds for him to realize and free my fingers. So I spent 3 hours in the ER this afternoon (good thing I work at a hospital). My fingers luckily are not broken. But 3 of them are purple from bruises and I'm going to lose all of the nails. The cartilage on my ring finger was showing so they had to numb it and then do minor work on it so now it's in a splint. I'm in so much pain and all I can take is Tylenol b/c I'm pregnant. Just wanted to vent and let you know I'll be reading but not posting very much b/c I can only type with 1 hand.

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ugh you poor thing lizz, that has happened to me a couple of times actually, once even in a car door and the driver didnt realize and started to drive and i was screaming. i know the tylenol just aint gonna cut it - try to go somewhere else in your mind so that you are not thinking about the pain, i swear it will help if you can relax and let your mind go.

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Oh no Lizz!!! but seriously when i first saw the thread i almost had a heart attack b/c my 1st thought was your baby - whew! ok - i am really sorry about your hand - hhmm, how can we turn this around?


ok, mike has to wait on you and do all the housework wink.gif and you should take a couple days off work, ya know, 'to heal' haha

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