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The story of Lady Maura and her date-twin Becks


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Once upon a time, in a place not-so-far away, lived a beautiful woman known to all as Lady Maura. She was fair, generous in spirit, kind hearted and above all really freaking cool. Lady Maura was a longstanding lady in the Court of BDW. She was revered by all for her ability to turn a phrase (ahem), provide solid advice and curse like a sailor.


One day, a newcomer arrived at the Court, a commoner known simply as Becks. Not long after her appearance at the Court, Lady Maura identified a small coincidence between herself and Becks: a wedding date, common to both of them.


Lady Maura took it upon herself to send a message to becks; a precarious gesture, perhaps, given Becks†status as a lowly and worthless noob (no offense, anyone).


A chance journey to the village where Lady Maura did live, allowed the two maidens to meet. Libations (a whole lot of them) were shared, and a friendship was formed.


Over the course of several months, Lady Maura and Becks shared stories of their planning and the events of their lives. And through their interactions the maidens discovered that not only did they share a common wedding date; they also shared the same departure-for-Mexico date, the same bridal shower date, and the same florist (thanks Angel!). It was truly a predestined friendship. (Because otherwise it is just a bit creepy.)


And so it was that on the 10th day prior to their shared wedding date, Becks went to the Court of BDW to present a gift to Lady Maura. The gift was a poem:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

If I had hand-picked my date twin

It would still be you


pinkie.gif Love ya Maura!!! 10 days to go!! pinkie.gif
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awwwww rebecca that was sooo cute!!!!!!!! thank you, totally made me smile!!!!! i cant believe we have just over a week left... at this time next week i will be sleeping in my hotel room in cabo! (or, if i cant sleep because im not adjusted to the time change yet, i will likely be in the lobby using the wireless internet and surfing BDW LOL)

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