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We had planning a trip to Europe for over 1 year, our first time. We had just landed in Venice, Italy that early afternoon. After spending 2 hours looking for our hotel (what an experience that was),we wanted to wander the streets of Venice, relax and take it all in. My boyfriend on the other hand, had a different agenda


He wanted to go on a Gondola! When I found out it would have cost over over $150 USD, I wanted to wait....thought maybe we could find a better deal. After disappointment, My boyfriend was alittle stressed, then he began to act strange, very nervous, figet and began to fumble through his bag. At this point I still had no clue!


Now we've been together for eight years and I had never seen him like this. So we walked over to the "Porte Degli Scalzi Bridge", which over looks the Grand Canal (across from the train station). The sun was just starting to set, a light breeze in the air and My boyfriend started to tell me that he's been holding this for several months....................


Well he got down on one knee, held out this BEAUTIFUL antique designed ring and mumbled quickly "Will you marry me". I responded "Oh my god or Holy Crap". Then I said yes, with tears in my eyes.


I later found out he had bought the ring 4-5 months before our trip (buring a hole in his pocket). Everyone knew he was going to pop the question (Mom's, family, friend's, etc.) except me. I was shocked and no idea he was going to this. Venice will always hold a special place in my heart.

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