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This might be a long shot, but I might have a little insight into your problem:


My fiance's company has promised a trip to Riu Cancun for your wedding weekend for anyone who books a certain number of loans (he's a mortgage broker.) The reason I remember this is because we thought it was so odd that the prize was a trip to a Riu resort so close to our wedding date (we are getting married at Riu Palace Mexico in Playa del Carmen on April 23.) It is possible that they booked a block of rooms in case they needed them, but will only be filling a few, depending on how any people make the quota.


I don't know if that helps, but I thought I'd share.

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Thanks so much for that info! I called the group sales coordinator and asked i there was any way to be put on a "wait list" for cancelled rooms. She pretty much said that it was not possible. BUT!! My WC said that she would reduce the visitor fee from $100 pp to $50 and that it wouldn't be a problem for meeting the 80%. That makes me feel a whole lot better.


But now I am getting feedback from my friends and family that they don't want to stay away from us. They are worried that we won't spend time together! And all this time, I was worried that we asked them to stay at the same hotel in fear that we really didn't give them an option of where to stay.


Thanks for all of your feedback! You guys are awesome!!



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OMG! I admit, I would go ballistic if I were in your shoes! I know it's a good starting place for them to offer the $50 reduced fee, but I'd have a hissy fit because you shouldn't even have to pay it at all since you're guests would have been staying at the same hotel as you. If this is their starting offer, it might be good to keep chipping away at them---- come up with a list of 'demands' (so to speak)---- ie, if you had your way, this is a list of what they would do to compensate you (credit towards your stay, upgrade your room, etc...). Use it as a starting point to negotiate with them--- then maybe they'll offer something more for you as a solution and you can meet somewhere in the middle.


I, personally, would be such a huge *b-tch* about this. It's absolutely assanine that they didn't warn you to block rooms or something. To me, it's a matter of ethics.


I know people say to kill them with kindness and that's a good place to start, but don't hesitate to jump heads and go to managers to get things resolved to your satisfaction. I had to do that this weekend about my E-ring and I wound up getting a service manager in their repair shop to drive his butt to DHL and dig through boxes on a pallet to retrieve my ring and deliver it to the store that same day for me. Niceness can only take a person so far...

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Yeah, I go back and forth being angry and then being relieved that she is willing to do something.


I am upset that she didn't warn me about the hotel getting full or at least calling to "double check" whether or not I had rooms saved for the wedding. Really, she has not even contacted me to be on the same page about the wedding. I know a lot of decisions are done on-site (which I kind of like), but I wish she would have given me a heads up on this. She is the WC and that includes helping my guests out if they are expected to stay on the property.


I don't want to be a big B*tch, but I am also not sure how much experience she has since she is the new WC for the RIU Palace Las Americas....I hope this is the only hiccup we run into. SHEESH!


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If you know what you would like to see happen for an outcome to this and you feel like she isn't getting even close to that outcome, don't hesitate to ask for a manager and play the nice role with him/her. In a situation like this, I'm actually surprised she hasn't gotten someone above her to step in for assistance since she hasn't been the WC for long...


A manager is going to have the authority to resolve the issue and is going to be more willing to see a happy resolution because I'm sure he gets a nice little bonus/commission for all the bookings they have throughout the year. To him, you'll be revenue, to the WC, you'll be more work...

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OOOh! good idea!

So, who do you think I should ask for? Do I ask the WC to give me the contact info for her manager? (she doesn't speak very good English), or should I contact someone on my own?


I like the idea of letting them know that I participate on this site!



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