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Dreams Cabo Speaker System - Anyone used it?


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I e-mailed Mariana about the speaker system at Dreams that she has available for rent. For the reception, we're just planning on plugging in an iPOd and I was thinking if there was something already there for rent, it would be easier to just do that then to lug speakers down with us. So, I asked her how much it would be and if it would work with an iPod. She said $145 (which isn't bad) and it comes with speakers and a plug.


Has anyone used/seen the system down there? Will the "plug" work with an iPod? We only have around 20 people, so don't need a really powerful system, but I don't want to get down there and find out it won't work with the iPod we're bringing.


Thanks for any advice!

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We are planning to use the Dreams speaker system for our rehearsal dinner (in Portofino). We want a microphone and Mariana quoted me $145 as well for the system so we will probably have an Ipod as well for background music. She said a lot of people use it and it works well so I think you'll be ok...

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she told me it was 150/night for usage of the speaker and and extra 25 or so for a mic. but CLARIFY with her and get it in writing that it is a one time charge and not per hour- there was a bride on here that had a problem with that and they attempted to charge her per hour and she fortunately brought copies of all her email correspondece with mariana- anyways the bride pulled out the email where mariana says it was 145/NIGHT- and cleared up the whole thing. so just double check and get EVERYTHING in writing!

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