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My FI's solution to the TTD problem


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Originally Posted by ashrose View Post
He's just really cute because we are so traditional... we aren't kissing until our wedding day... at the altar. (565 more days!!).
Wait....say what? You aren't kissing until your wedding day? No wonder he doesn't want to waste any potential bed time doing a shoot. LOL
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lol. Yeah. I totally get it too. :)


Sam is amazingly loving towards me and we agreed from before the start of our relationship that we would do it... we didnt anticipate having this long of an engagement... but yeah... we're rolling with the punches.

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I trashed the day before...and the night of & the morning after.


We did the day before because we already had the trip to the cenote planned before we had photographers. The night of was a quick thing. The next day was with my friends.


I wore a different dress.

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Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
jai, thats a good idea too! and just as lovely lighting as sunrise.

i think morgan had some nighttime ttd shots, but not her actual ttd dress but her THE dress the night of the wedding. i could be off on that tho....
The 2 dresses are very similar. I only trashed the TTD one. I planned on trashing THE dress, but then it didn't make sense when I already had the other dress. So the wedding night I went back in the room & threw on the TTD and went out into the ocean. I kept it on the balcony so it was dry by the next morning. So that poor dress got trashed 3 times in Mexico & had previously been trashed in jamaica by heidi.

The sad thing is I didn't get enough. I want to trash more dresses. It was so much fun!
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
The 2 dresses are very similar. I only trashed the TTD one. I planned on trashing THE dress, but then it didn't make sense when I already had the other dress. So the wedding night I went back in the room & threw on the TTD and went out into the ocean. I kept it on the balcony so it was dry by the next morning. So that poor dress got trashed 3 times in Mexico & had previously been trashed in jamaica by heidi.

The sad thing is I didn't get enough. I want to trash more dresses. It was so much fun!
We're planning on doing a TTD Seattle style when we get home too... I really like the look of waterfalls and urban TTD... a look we can't get in Mexico. :)

What did you like most about TTD? The being photographed? The art creation? The memories?
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
So I'm totally prying here...tell me to shutup if need be. :)

You have never kissed?

Boy oh boy...I sense some steamy TTD pics. Maybe you guys should go with Kristie and do the artistic nude ones. LOL wink.gif
We kissed once or twice during the first month we knew each other. Then he left for Panama to do some mission work with an organization called YWAM. We thought we wouldnt ever see each other again.

While he was away, I started to deal with the crap that was in my past and realized that I was going to need a patient man to walk with me while I was on the road to healing. Sam agreed... and when he came back and decided to pursue me officially, we made the committment. He also apologized for kissing me without "guarding my heart" earlier in our relationship.

I don't think it is something other people should do... and its not something we are doing to be admired by others... we are doing it to love each other before marriage... and for us, this just happens to be the most loving.
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Originally Posted by ashrose View Post
We're planning on doing a TTD Seattle style when we get home too... I really like the look of waterfalls and urban TTD... a look we can't get in Mexico. :)

What did you like most about TTD? The being photographed? The art creation? The memories?
the creativity
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We are having a shoot at 6am !!! lmao Luckily its 2 days after the wedding but FI thinks its hilarious that I actually think i'll drag my ass out of bed and do it lmao


He said i'd better sleep in my dress the night before so that he can just carry me down there still asleep lmao cheeky git fencing.gif

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