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Fat Flush Plan

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So....what exactly is the fat flush plan? I need to try something and I can't find any detail about this online. I guess I should go get the book?


How strict is it? What's the overall gist? I'm wondering if I should even give it a shot...



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Here's a link to the author's site...it really is a great diet and detoxifier, but for me it took more discipline than I was willing to put in and as a couple of girls said, eating out and staying on track is really difficult because of the food restrictions...


Ann Louise Gittleman - Fat Flush, Fast Track, Detox, Colon Cleansing, Diet, Nutrition*-*Ann Louise Gittleman - Fat Flush, Fast Track, Detox, Colon Cleansing, Diet, Nutrition

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Definitely buy the book. The first two weeks are really hard....I do use the online forum to look up recipes because the ones in the book get boring!


You have to really prepare and it is sort of expensive up front to buy everything you need. Once you are stocked up and you commit to making the meals it is pretty easy to follow....except for my lack of social life for two weeks as the other girls mention. :)


I have lost four pounds so far though and people at work keep saying I am "bouncier" and "skinny" only that might just be my lack of food making me crazy! Haha.

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  • 2 months later...

It worked for me. I stuck to it before our site visit trip to Mexico.


Now I am totally in post vacation mode and haven't been good at all!


I am planning to get back on it.


The first part is just too ridiculous. I have heard people who start in phase 2 and stay on it twice as long and then go to phase 3.


Phase 1 is just too hard. I did stay on it for a week only I was not in the best mood. :)


I am the same way...I need to eat throughout the day. They recommend sipping the cran water all day to keep things level. Also your free snack items are the vegetables for that phase and you can snack on them all the time so that keeps you full.


Let me know how it goes if you do it!

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