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i don't think it really matters if it was a neighbor or not, meaning if it was some kid or teenager that randomly picked your house, that's still morbid. not to mention if whoever put it there killed the poor bird, animal abuse. i would definitely file a complaint with the police, just so it's on the record.

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I gotta say, dont file with the police. They will not investigate this. They have no evidence to go off of, no proof of anyone who did it, no independent witnesses, and no proof that the bird didnt just fly in there itself. It would be a waste of your time and theirs. The charge would be disorderly conduct at best. If you wanted to press the issue, you could call the postal inspector in your area, but they probably wont be much help either. I have just accepted the fact that some people are jerks and just try to get a rise out of someone. Keep an eye out for suspicious people or kids in your area, and if you see something out of the ordinary, then call the police.

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Is there anyway you can weight the lid a bit or cover the drop slot so another bird can't get stuck? I am think along the lines so they can't lift it and are discouraged from trying to get it to make a nest. That way if it does happen again you know it's someone doing it and report it.

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I wanted to thank all of you for your comments, I realize I probably freaked out a little too much. It's just not every day you come home and see feathers sticking out of your mail box...can be a little disconcerting.


After taking a breath and thinking about it, it is likely the bird somehow got in on it's own and had the lid shut on it. I'm not completely convinced of that, but it's better than the alternative. We aren't going to report it, but we're also going to be more diligent with keeping an eye on things around the property, just in case this wasn't some random act.


The bird itself has been removed and sent off to bird heaven, or wherever it is that birds go. We're tempted to remove the mailbox too, it's a bit of an eyesore. Since we're renting we can't really replace it, but taking it down until we decide to move would keep any more birds (or other wildlife) from ending up inside.


Thanks again, I really did just need to get it out to some objective outsiders, I really appreciate all the words of advice! smile03.gif

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