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leave a dead bird in a mailboxhuh.gif


Seriously. My husband and I went out for groceries yesterday, and when we got home, we saw something sticking out under the lid of our mailbox (it's mounted on the wall of our house, next to the front door) that looked like feathers. There was no way I was going to look into it (I have a hard enough time dealing with blood when I cut myself shaving), so the task fell to my husband. He's not so great with dead things himself, so he put it off until today. Sure enough, it was a small bird, just like we thought.


Both of us are more than freaked out by this. There is no way that bird could have gotten in there itself, and even if it had, it didn't have enough time to die before we got back from grocery shopping, we were gone less than an hour and it wasn't there when we left. So now we are trying to figure out why it was done in the first place, and who did it. We know we aren't very liked by our neighbours, but are clueless as to why. We aren't loud, and we say hi to people when we see them in an attempt to be friendly(but rarely get any response back).


I've been shaking since I got off the phone with my husband, and it seems to be getting worse. This is just far too Stephen King for my liking...

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Try not to freak out because the twat that did it thats what they want. Just try and forget about it and put it down to one of those crap experiences.


Saying that I'd report it to the police and say that you are frightened you are being targeted. They should log it and if it ever happens again they can look further into it.

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Well, I hope I can put some ease to your mind....I have had birds get into my mail box. They always get out somehow, but it has happened. My best guess is that the bird got in and had an injured leg or wing or something, so it couldnt get out. It them probably dies because of the heat. Its probably warmer in the enclosed mail box than it is outside.

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Originally Posted by zorlack76 View Post
Well, I hope I can put some ease to your mind....I have had birds get into my mail box. They always get out somehow, but it has happened. My best guess is that the bird got in and had an injured leg or wing or something, so it couldnt get out. It them probably dies because of the heat. Its probably warmer in the enclosed mail box than it is outside.
Maybe that's what happened. It's really scary to think it might of been one of your neighbors. That would be sick...
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