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Gutted and just need to get it out!! (long)

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I'm sorry for your loss. It's understandable to feel that way. People mean well, but at this time all you want to do is tell them to shove their well meaning comments up their butt. I'm agnostic and my best friend is religious and everytime he tells me stuff like this during rough times I literally start to go balistic inside my head.


The situation you are in sucks and it's not fair and you probably just want to rip sh!t apart right now. Feel angry, sad, disappointed, afraid... whatever it is you need to feel. I don't think it ever "gets better". People just learn how to live with the loss.


Lots of hugs and understanding your way.

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Marie- that's devastating. I'm soo sorry. Please don't feel guilty though. It's not your fault. People make choices for their own lives- even if we do help coach them along the way. I'm sure he was gratiful for everything you did for him. :)


Take care- you are in my thoughts.

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Thanks guys I really appreciate it and it means a lot - its all over the BBC news but they've not released his name yet as his family is huge so they need to get round them all.


I've had no sleep mainly because FI came home last night with this AS search dog (he's on his way to a month long job) and the little bugger spent all night playing with his other old and retired VS dog lmao He kept jumping up and giving me kisses bless him.


I woke up and said to FI was that all a dream (wishful thinking) he said unfortunately not and that broke him again


God knows when the funeral will be but it'll be huge the whole corps is going to try and get there (well the ones that aren't in iraq or afghanistan) i'm so not looking forward to that and FI is shitting himself facing his mum


His mum is a wonderful loving person but is even harder than me at times (hard to believe i know lol) but this will turn her to mush and i can't fix it.


It might sound strange but even though i'm gutted he's been killed he doesn't know anything about it anymore - its his family and his mum I think 1/3rd of her died yesterday

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