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LESSON LEARNED while making Boarding Pass Invitations

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I started working on my Boarding Pass invitations yesterday but wanted to share a lesson I learned...in the hopes it will help others. (i will post pics once complete).

There is an area on the boarding pass that is perforated...so we bought a handy little perforator tool at Micheals and I went about perforating them. Well, without realizing it, I was pressing down too hard on the perforator, and i tore (MANY TIMES) through my table-cloth, but more importantly, I actually scratched numerous times my dining room table (it went right through the tablecloth). I had originally tried to do it on something spongy, but i found that the cut was too deep, and it was actually tearing the pieces apart...so the consistency of the table worked well - EXCEPT for the damages now caused - YIKES!!! Thought I'd share this to others can avoid this same problem.


Other than that - it was a great project, and I loved all the advice and template ideas I got from the site :)

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Thanks for the advice! I know I would have done the same type of damage!!

I am so excited for when I get to make mine.


And I am not a DIY kind of girl. But everyone on here has motivated me to take on this project.


Can't wait to see pics!!!

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If you're using a cutterpede or another type of paper cutter, many of them (at least the rotary/wheel types) have a perforating blade.


I went this route and it was really very easy - plus, perfectly straight lines!

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
If you're using a cutterpede or another type of paper cutter, many of them (at least the rotary/wheel types) have a perforating blade.

I went this route and it was really very easy - plus, perfectly straight lines!
I agree with Becks. I used a cutterpede with the perforating blade and it was so easy. In fact, it was my favorite part.

I'm really sorry to hear about your table and tablecloth. That's annoying!
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