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OOT bags,... too much?

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i think it depends on individual situations. i brought all of my stuff down and then went to walmart in pv to buy snacks. i split some stuff between my parents, my in-laws and myself. i checked all of it, and brought receipts just in case customs tried to claim i'd be selling it. some people give it out before going to their destination b/c it's too much to pack. i think there have been a few girls who bought most of their stuff at their destination, but only if they were familiar with the area.

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Ladies, thank you all sooo much! I will deffinitely take all of the things you said into consideration!


We are staying at an AI, and so one of my ideas was to treat and/or organize an "excursion" one day for all of our guests. Of course, FI thinks that paying for everyone to go on an excursion (like a trip to see the ruins, snorkeling, etc.) would bee too expensive. <sigh> But there are some excursions I guess that are free to all guests of our hotel. I'm just worried about people who might choose to stay off the property, whether they can come, or whether it will be at an additional cost. So I DID think about giving them an "experience" as our "gift"... just not sure how it would work out. And FI still shot it down!

What can I say. I'm the spender, he's the saver. cheesy.gif


I will take someone else's suggestion and research the costs of all my ideas, so i can tell him how much it will cost us per person to do each thing. Hopefully he WILL let me give our guests SOMEthing. cheesy.gif

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I am personally doing oot bags. I haven't spent that much for the fillings and I don't plan on spending much. So far I have:

Travel cups for $1 each from Target

Purell hand sanitizer 1 penny each from Staples

Nail Polish remover single packs (free)

Bandaids (free)

Soap that I made probably ended up costing about 25-50 cents each (Bought the kit and molds from Micheals with 40% off coupons)

Flipflops $1 each from Target

Sunscreen for about 75 cents each

After Sun lotion for about 75 cents each

I bought the two above in large bottles then bought small individual plastic bottles for 50 cents each from Target and filled them up.

I'm also in the process of making a welcome brochure on vistaprint Free of charge


I plan on filling them up with some medication and snacks too.


And... If the vendor pulls through for us we will include personalized beach towels which will be around $10 each. These are the ONLY thing I really wanted to give my guests even before the idea of an OOT bag came to mind.


We are only having around 10 guests so this has been a super cheap product for us.


Oh yeah and my actual bags are the cute straw Target bags you see all over the forum with the addition of a cute ribbon tied on each.

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We aren't doing it to be honest. We don't do that in the UK and our weight allowance is 25kg and thats it so it just wouldn't work.


I spoke about it with my friend who said she had been to a wedding in Cuba and the bride was from Canada. They did OOT bags and alth it was nice she didn't see the point lol (it may be a british thing lol) so that convinced me


But I agree you could do it cheap if you shop about

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We're going to be checking everything wen we fly down to Mexico. Shipping is complicated and expensive. So we figure a suitcase packed with wedding stuff is okay for us, even if we have to pay like $50 for additional bags. It's cheaper than $300 to ship! And I'm going to be putting them together once we get to the resort. We'll be arriving 3 days before our guests do, so it's something I can do late at night.


Originally Posted by zorlack76 View Post
Regarding a different aspect of the OOT bags, how is everyone getting theirs to their destination? Do you fill them when you get to your destination? Is this something you would put in your carryon, or in your checked luggagehuh.gif
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i am doing the bags-I got stuff so cheap and I just thought it was a cute 'wedding favor" that was unique for a DW. i think the people will like them-and having stuff that they can use-snacks, bottled water, sunscreen, etc. We got personalized bottle labels to put on the bottles. The good news is we have friends there so we sent the stuff ahead of time. When we get there all we need are water bottles and snacks! And to assemble them!!

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hi all,


thanks all! This iforum really helped me understand what an OOT bag and i think it a great idea and a good way to say thanks to all your guest.

but i do have one question? I have about 50 -60 people coming to the wedding. How do i transport all the bags? Could i give them to everyone before we leave?


Janet n Larry

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