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Wedding idea advice....

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I do like to follow traditions, however I have an odd, but nice idea and I was wondering what everyone may think. Remember this is coming from a guy... :)



The day of the wedding the groom and the bride do not see each other until later.



Stay together the whole day, and actually help each other get dressed (private time) and get ready for the big day.


Idea 2:

Stay with each other the whole night and then have breakfast together. Then break off to different places to get ready.

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i honestly would not want my FI helping me get ready. that is a special time reserved for my female relatives and bridesmaids.


we are though, spending the night together in advance and having breakfast, then parting ways for the day. firstly because i hate the tradition of not spending the night before youre married together - hello, we have already been living together for over a year so its not like in the old days when you had never spent the night with your fiance. and second, i hate it because it always makes people think you are going to have sex the night before your wedding and that you would be a bad person. well, i dont think youd be a bad person for doing it, but i also think spending the night before the wedding does not mean you are going to fail to resist temptation. and third, with the price of the hotel rooms where we're getting married, it was out of the question anyway - it would've set us back another $400!

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I can appreciate your attempt to make a old tradition your own. I would guess that your FI won't want to have your help getting ready? It takes the fun out of the whole walk down the aisle thing. Plus, I agree with the previous post, it's girl time. I think breakfast together in the morning is a wonderful idea!

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I agree with the other ladies... I don't want my FI seeing me:

a) getting ready

B) all done up before I walk down the aisle


But I don't think there is anything wrong w/ having breaky together in the morning - it would be the only alone time/peace and quiet you'll have together all day most likely

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Originally Posted by Pug3636 View Post
I can appreciate your attempt to make a old tradition your own. I would guess that your FI won't want to have your help getting ready? It takes the fun out of the whole walk down the aisle thing. Plus, I agree with the previous post, it's girl time. I think breakfast together in the morning is a wonderful idea!
You are correct and I agree with everyone so far. I just thought its was a good idea and a way to be romantic on that day. I just wish we can come to some type of compromise. sad.gif
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My DH spent ALL day with me and the rest of the wedding party. WE got married at a remote location though so we all headed over in the morning and spent the day relaxin on the beach and just chit chatting. We had lunch and then split up and got ready in separate areas. So basically the day of the wedding we were only apart for about 2 hours.


I didn't want him to see me getting ready- I definitely wanted him to see me at the end of it all and have the "whole" picture. Plus prior to the ceremony I was such a nervous wreck. I probably looked much better after I had time to gather myself and to categorize my emotions. When I met him at the alter, I could definitely see his nervousness and his adoration. I'm happy we waited to see each other. If he would have gotten ready with me, the anticipation of seeing each other that first time would have been muted.


BUT I also think you should do what you want as a couple. Who cares about tradition! It's about how you envision your day!

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I'm not particularly bothered but FI wants to have breakfast together then go our separate ways - he has said he is going to keep a tab on me in case i have too many cocktails and either run or turn up pissed lmfao (he may have a point!)


I think you do what feels right to you - i'm not traditional and he'd do my head in if he was getting ready with me because he is a total fanny but I won't be getting ready with the girls either - i'm just not that type of person

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I've got breakfast with the girls and my mom and sis, and then I'll probably see him poolside. But I'm not making a big deal about it one way or the other. Definitely getting ready with the girls and my mom and sis, though.

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We're probably doing the whole spending the night together, have breakfast and then "bye bye".


But talk to your FI and see what she wants, soem couples are NOT traditional at all. When I was trying on my dress, there was actually a girl there with her Finace helping her choose her wedding dress, my mom was in shock, but for some people, it's not a big deal. Do what will make you both the happiest!

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I was originally thinking the same as you; To spend the day together and help each other get ready. I didn't really want that "girl" time with family.


BUT now that others have made the point. I want that moment we he see everything done; dress, hair, makeup, etc.


I think the only deciding factor is does she want "that moment" you see her to be when your coming down the aisle.....

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