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Notarized copy of Birth Certificate?

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Is anyone else having a problem getting a notarized copy of your birth certificate? FI and I have been to 3 different places to get this to send to jamaica so we can get the ball rolling to get the paper work started. But everywhere we went to get notarized we got denied. Then the very last place we went to, the lady told us that there is no where in Nevada that will do it!! WTF? It would've been nice to know this info from our resort!! Or the first place we went to! Sooo frustrating!! And times running out for us cause we're getting married in Sept. Just wondering if anyone else had this problem in there state?


Thanks what.gif

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We had our originals too. But she said that no where in the state of Nevada can notarize birth certificates, marriage license, or death certificates. Crazy huh? So she suggested that we get a notarize copy from where we were born. Not an easy task, I was born in Hawaii and FI from Cali. It would probably take a while, not sure if we would get it in time.

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I know I had to have my BC authenticated by my count clerk's office in order to get an apostile for it from the dept. of state. I live in NY and got legally married in Mexico. Not sure if this is helpful but figured that I would share.

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I'm a notary in VA and we don't notarize any of those things either. See if this works, you can make a copy and there is a stamp that we use that says "Certified True Copy" and take it to a bank or Courthouse and see if they will use that. Hope this helps.

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Maybe if you find an individual at a business to do it - not a business itself.. I know we have a lady at my work that notorizes things for our entire office. Maybe someone at your work, your FI or someone in your family?

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I actually just did this very thing this past weekend. Me and my FI went to our bank and the notary there made copies for us of our birth certificates and our passports. She made the copies and then notarized the copies. It was no problem for us..she didn't even question it. Have you tried the bank?

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