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Did you use a TA? Or guests booked themselves?


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My whole problem is that i don't think i can DO that. According to what i've read we must book all airfare together AND the resort rooms. i really don't foresee many problems with people needing to speak with me about travel arrangements (maybe ground transportation) because most of them are familiar with flying. we're not having that many people come so i really don't care if they are coming to me for questions.

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I was planning on using a TA but with Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity, I think I'll keep updating my website with the most current fares monthly from those sites for 2 reasons:


1. My friend who is getting married this coming December used a TA, however, I wound up getting a MUCH better deal to Jamaica through Orbitz.


2. My fiance's brother just got back from a destination wedding. The TA whom the wedding couple hired stole all the hotel deposits from all the guests and everyone who attended the wedding lost their $300 deposit.

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Originally Posted by Kelly C View Post
I am using a TA. It's been great. But we have a couple of guest that booked their own.
good to know, maybe i can negotiate with them. so far they've been pretty awesome.

Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis View Post
I was planning on using a TA but with Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity, I think I'll keep updating my website with the most current fares monthly from those sites for 2 reasons:

1. My friend who is getting married this coming December used a TA, however, I wound up getting a MUCH better deal to Jamaica through Orbitz.

2. My fiance's brother just got back from a destination wedding. The TA whom the wedding couple hired stole all the hotel deposits from all the guests and everyone who attended the wedding lost their $300 deposit.
O-M-G how horrible! did you book your trip to Jamaica at the same time when everyone else booked through the TA? I'm not sure how long people should wait to see if they "get a better deal" from an online source...
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I decided against using a TA as we don't have many people coming from the same place so there wouldn't be enough guests from each location for a discount. Most of our guests commented on using Am Ex (travel service) and points, using points from AA and Alaska. So we now have officially us, plus 10 guests booked with flights! I would think a TA might help if you are all leaving from one spot but otherwise, not really and typically guests can get better deals through hunting down their own (no booking fees).

Good Luck!

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Originally Posted by Kits55 View Post
good to know, maybe i can negotiate with them. so far they've been pretty awesome.

O-M-G how horrible! did you book your trip to Jamaica at the same time when everyone else booked through the TA? I'm not sure how long people should wait to see if they "get a better deal" from an online source...
Yes, I booked my Jamaica trip at the same time that the TA was booking everyone's trip for the wedding. I let the TA know that was booking the trips for my friends wedding and she advised me that sometimes that happens.
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We were using an online destination wedding travel agent, and it didn't go well - I had most all of the same frustrations you had, and I did not find the rates to be any better than I could find on my own. Now we are using a local TA and tha tis working out much better for us. She is not necessarily finding us better rates, but she is repsonsive to people, workign with them on options, deposits etc - I think it's nice to have a TA as an option for those not comfortable booking online. we did NOT do a group rate at the hotel, b/c it seemed risky on my part - contracts to sign, deposits to make etc - I did not want to be financially obligated and really had no way of knowing at that time how many rooms we would need etc. We have been booking thorugh apple vacations, funjet, AA vacation (or our TA has) and those rates are competitive and fair - so we just went that route.

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