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Stressed the F out...


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Originally Posted by RaydensMama View Post
School is always stressful regardless if its an easy class or a hard one. Just try and take a deep breath and remeber that you are doing this for you and to make your life the best it can be. And everyone worries that they will fail, its just natural, just remind yourself that you know what you are doing and that it WILL all work out!
Yesterday was my last day... I don't think I ever felt so happy and thrilled to walk to my car as I was leaving campus...
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Originally Posted by RaydensMama View Post
I would imagine so!! Its funny, I graduated college 3 years ago and I still have these dreams where i fail and dont graduate.
I still have those dreams about HS! Weird, huh?

Bianca - CONGRATS ON THE A pinkie.gifpinkie.gifpinkie.gifpinkie.gif

And DOUBLE congrats on finishing in 4 years (I think I saw that right...)! I'm working on 7.5 years now and I really have no excuse except school has ALWAYS stressed me out and I am a perfectionist to the max!

SO are you COMPLETELY finished with college now?!??! If so I am soooo envious of you. I have 2 classes to go (1 of which is a 25-30 page scholarly paper..ugh...)

I cannot WAIT to get out! I know they say stay in college as long as you can but I def think I've milked that for all it's worth and it's time to get my butt out! LOL smile117.gif
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I am all done with my BA. I really need to go back and retake classes to get my GPA up. Right now its 2.36 and I still have 1 grade I am waiting to be posted. I want to do a masters in counceling or something so I need to get it up some to apply and get 1000 hours of relevent experience (which I have none of) done so I can even apply. So I have time... I am taking this semester off. Maybe I will try retaking a class after the wedding...

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Originally Posted by Bianca View Post
I am all done with my BA. I really need to go back and retake classes to get my GPA up. Right now its 2.36 and I still have 1 grade I am waiting to be posted. I want to do a masters in counceling or something so I need to get it up some to apply and get 1000 hours of relevent experience (which I have none of) done so I can even apply. So I have time... I am taking this semester off. Maybe I will try retaking a class after the wedding...
That sounds like a good plan :)
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