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The new Dreams Tulum thread! (Post all DT Qs&As here)

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Hi All,

Just want to let everyone know, I'm not sure if anyone else had this question but I did...

Aurora sent me the wedding packet where I need to fill out all of my information before the wedding. One of the parts was- I needed to fill out an excel of all of my guests attending, and their flight info.

I have had a lot of problems with both mine and my fiance's family/friends either 1) never sending back their RSVP and we need to keep calling them to get an answer or 2) they sent back the RSVP but never booked, now a year after we sent out the invitations the price has gone up (obviously) so now they don't know if they are going to come or not.

So we don't really have a final head count for me to send back to her. So I asked her, if I put a name down as they are coming, but then don't actually end up coming, do I need to pay for their plate? (We have AROUND 45 people coming, but I don't know exactly) She said no, we can give the final count once we get there and pay then.


I see all of the pictures of the weddings here at Dreams Tulum, and everyone for the most part has bridesmaids and a bunch of family there with them. It's hard to explain what my fiance and I have gone through with our family and friends, but to make a long story short- we have no bridal party, some of our closest friends couldn't be more Inconvenienced, and aren't even coming, While others are complaining- "why are you getting married so far away this is soo much". (the weddings of our friends we've been in, we've never "skimped" on them, always gone above and beyond and given more than we could even afford) The only family members that are coming are our parents and his brother, all of our Aunts and Uncles, my sister and brother, think its ridiculous that we're getting married in Mexico and don't want to get their passports or have any desire to go to Mexico so they're not coming.

I just wonder if anyone had this problem, I hope not, but I hope I'm not the only weirdo who isn't important enough to most of the people in my life? Don't get me wrong, we do have a handful of people who are excited, practically my whole office is coming because they're excited to go to Mexico and drink tequilla. Thank goodness or else we'd have no guests at the wedding. I'm so sorry, this isn't the place to rant about these things, but just yesterday my "best friend" from college EMAILED me she isn't coming because she waited too long to book and now it's too much $. My best friend... good thing we decided against the bridal party. Sorry again for ranting, I'm just at a loss.

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I haven't gotten that form yet and my wedding is a month before yours!!


Don't worry about people that don't go! I have some family that never even responded to my invitations. At first I was pretty upset, but after a while I just didn't care. The most important people to me are going and that's all that matters. Try not to stress out over it.

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Originally Posted by jerzygirl85 View Post
I haven't gotten that form yet and my wedding is a month before yours!!

Don't worry about people that don't go! I have some family that never even responded to my invitations. At first I was pretty upset, but after a while I just didn't care. The most important people to me are going and that's all that matters. Try not to stress out over it.
I'm trying not to stress... thanks for the positive words.
If you want to private message me your email address, I can send you the forms. I am not sure when they are supposed to send it. It says on the actual form that I need to give it to my WC 15 days before the wedding, so maybe Aurora just sent it to me early.
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I agree don't worry about who does and doesn't come as long as your closest loved ones are there. My own father doesn't want to come to my wedding because I'm having it in Mexico he says I'm putting a burden on the people I'm inviting....



I have a question for all you past brides that had weddings in April/May/June. What are the sun-sets like at this time. Our wedding is set for May 6, and I'm trying to get an idea of how the lighting is on the beach between 5 and 6. Fi and I want to make our ceremony time as close to sunset as possible to help escape the heat but not lose the lighting on the beach and for good pictures.

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In april the sunsets around 7:30. I originally had my ceremony set for 5, but my photographer suggested that we move it to 4 to allow enough time for pictures before the sunsets around 7:30. She said the pictures would take about 60-90 minutes. We may end up having some extra time to kill before the cocktail hour which will start at 6, but i prefer that instead of rushing.

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I can relate for sure. 2 of my best friends sent their RSVP that they were coming with the dates they were coming and everything. A month and a half before they still haven't booked but assured me they would. 2 weeks before the wedding I kept pestering them to get me their information and they finally let me know that they were not coming. 2 WEEKS BEFORE! I was very upset, especially when I learned that one of them booked a trip to Vegas 2 months after my wedding. The excuse she used not to come to mine was "It's too expensive and I just don't have the money." I guess she had enough money for Vegas. THere were other issues with people procrastinating on booking, but we just kept bugging them until they booked.


We also had 8 people cancel the week of the wedding because of swine flu. I got married on May 1, 2009 (almost a year ago!) so I can understand how you are feeling. BUT let me assure you that just because certain people will not be there, it will not matter. It will be the best time of your life. We had such a blast with the 25 of us that ended up there and I wouldn't change a thing. I would do it again in a heartbeat with the same people. And let me share this with you...people regret not going. Once they saw the pics, they wished they would've been there.


Also, we did NOT have a bridal party. We had 2 flower girls and 2 ringbearers and that's it. If you look at my review I believe I posted pics on there. If not PM me and I will share a link with you.


You are going to have the greatest time. And don't worry about the number you send to the WC. They let you change up until the day before. Trust me, we had to change ours a few times as we found out more poeple were not showing.


Hang in there. It's YOUR wedding.




Originally Posted by AchiCAp0547 View Post
Hi All,

Just want to let everyone know, I'm not sure if anyone else had this question but I did...

Aurora sent me the wedding packet where I need to fill out all of my information before the wedding. One of the parts was- I needed to fill out an excel of all of my guests attending, and their flight info.

I have had a lot of problems with both mine and my fiance's family/friends either 1) never sending back their RSVP and we need to keep calling them to get an answer or 2) they sent back the RSVP but never booked, now a year after we sent out the invitations the price has gone up (obviously) so now they don't know if they are going to come or not.

So we don't really have a final head count for me to send back to her. So I asked her, if I put a name down as they are coming, but then don't actually end up coming, do I need to pay for their plate? (We have AROUND 45 people coming, but I don't know exactly) She said no, we can give the final count once we get there and pay then.


I see all of the pictures of the weddings here at Dreams Tulum, and everyone for the most part has bridesmaids and a bunch of family there with them. It's hard to explain what my fiance and I have gone through with our family and friends, but to make a long story short- we have no bridal party, some of our closest friends couldn't be more Inconvenienced, and aren't even coming, While others are complaining- "why are you getting married so far away this is soo much". (the weddings of our friends we've been in, we've never "skimped" on them, always gone above and beyond and given more than we could even afford) The only family members that are coming are our parents and his brother, all of our Aunts and Uncles, my sister and brother, think its ridiculous that we're getting married in Mexico and don't want to get their passports or have any desire to go to Mexico so they're not coming.

I just wonder if anyone had this problem, I hope not, but I hope I'm not the only weirdo who isn't important enough to most of the people in my life? Don't get me wrong, we do have a handful of people who are excited, practically my whole office is coming because they're excited to go to Mexico and drink tequilla. Thank goodness or else we'd have no guests at the wedding. I'm so sorry, this isn't the place to rant about these things, but just yesterday my "best friend" from college EMAILED me she isn't coming because she waited too long to book and now it's too much $. My best friend... good thing we decided against the bridal party. Sorry again for ranting, I'm just at a loss.

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Ok so this may be a strange question. We're going to have ~50 people at our wedding and we're getting the ultimate package which covers 20 people for both cocktail hour and reception. I am fine with spending the extra money per person for the reception, but am not willing to do so for the cocktail hour. I am planning on having the cocktail hour near another bar (if they let me), but I was wondering...will they still provide the cocktail hour for 20 people and not charge me extra, and the other guests can mingle over to the bar (i.e. just enough servers/food that would primarily be used for 20 guests)? Or do I have to forgo the cocktail hour if I'm not willing to spend the extra money? What would they do with the mariachi band? Just trying to cut costs somewhere. Still upset they got rid of the $20 menu option....

Thanks!! Hopefully somebody has tried something similar and has some advice. I just don't want to get charged for a cocktail hour in the package and then get screwed of not having it at all because I don't want to pay for the extra guests.

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Originally Posted by AchiCAp0547 View Post
I see all of the pictures of the weddings here at Dreams Tulum, and everyone for the most part has bridesmaids and a bunch of family there with them. It's hard to explain what my fiance and I have gone through with our family and friends, but to make a long story short- we have no bridal party, some of our closest friends couldn't be more Inconvenienced, and aren't even coming, While others are complaining- "why are you getting married so far away this is soo much". (the weddings of our friends we've been in, we've never "skimped" on them, always gone above and beyond and given more than we could even afford) The only family members that are coming are our parents and his brother, all of our Aunts and Uncles, my sister and brother, think its ridiculous that we're getting married in Mexico and don't want to get their passports or have any desire to go to Mexico so they're not coming.
I just wonder if anyone had this problem, I hope not, but I hope I'm not the only weirdo who isn't important enough to most of the people in my life? Don't get me wrong, we do have a handful of people who are excited, practically my whole office is coming because they're excited to go to Mexico and drink tequilla. Thank goodness or else we'd have no guests at the wedding. I'm so sorry, this isn't the place to rant about these things, but just yesterday my "best friend" from college EMAILED me she isn't coming because she waited too long to book and now it's too much $. My best friend... good thing we decided against the bridal party. Sorry again for ranting, I'm just at a loss.
So sorry to hear this is upsetting you, but it's not true that all the other DT brides have had big wedding parties and guests, many of us had small weddings. I only had our parents and our sisters. Our closest friends are teachers and couldn't get the time off work. We were so disappointed they coudln't come we didn't even bother inviting extended family (other reasons too, like the fact that we planned the whole thing in just a few months). Don't worry about whose not there, you will enjoy the company of those that are. In fact by having a smaller group, you'll get to spend a lot of time with them and have a wonderful vacation with those people without stressing about trying to spend time with everyone in a large group.

Blkatz had only 2 people I think at her wedding, everyone else canceled due to the Swine Flu. But read her review and she still had a wonderful day.

Originally Posted by vlynnw View Post
I have a question for all you past brides that had weddings in April/May/June. What are the sun-sets like at this time. Our wedding is set for May 6, and I'm trying to get an idea of how the lighting is on the beach between 5 and 6. Fi and I want to make our ceremony time as close to sunset as possible to help escape the heat but not lose the lighting on the beach and for good pictures.
There are many websites that can tell you the exact sunset time. Do a search on the Mayan Riviera forum for "sunset time".

For my wedding, April 1, the sunset was 6pm, but then a few days later it switched to daylight savings time and then the sunset was 7pm.

Originally Posted by OceanWonderland View Post
Ok so this may be a strange question. We're going to have ~50 people at our wedding and we're getting the ultimate package which covers 20 people for both cocktail hour and reception. I am fine with spending the extra money per person for the reception, but am not willing to do so for the cocktail hour. I am planning on having the cocktail hour near another bar (if they let me), but I was wondering...will they still provide the cocktail hour for 20 people and not charge me extra, and the other guests can mingle over to the bar (i.e. just enough servers/food that would primarily be used for 20 guests)? Or do I have to forgo the cocktail hour if I'm not willing to spend the extra money? What would they do with the mariachi band? Just trying to cut costs somewhere. Still upset they got rid of the $20 menu option....
Thanks!! Hopefully somebody has tried something similar and has some advice. I just don't want to get charged for a cocktail hour in the package and then get screwed of not having it at all because I don't want to pay for the extra guests.
Good question, I would try to do the same as you too, but I'm guessing they won't let you. There probably isn't a "quota" of number of drinks when you pay for 20 people. Although likely they have a set amount of appetizers they would normally serve, let's say it's like 5 trays for 20 people, you could ask if they can still serve those 5 trays. But if they don't, then just go with the casual cocktail hour (no special service) and my personal recommendation would be the Sugar Reef Bar because it's a nice area, although probably the least private so you could choose the lobby bar (also has the benefit of air conditioning, some people can be in and some out on the deck) or the Veranda bar. You could just decide that when you get there.
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I know the sun-set time is 7:14 for the week we are there, I just need to know if since the sun-set is on the land side if it creates a huge shadow and doesn't provide a lot of light on the beach around 5pm, since the sunset isn't over the water.



I'm in the same boat you are. We are also having about 50 people and I currently have no intention of paying for extra drinks and hor'dourves for those extra people during the cocktail hour. I hope they don't try to charge us extra for those. I'm almost afraid to email Aurora about it right now though because I'm sure she would quote me prices I don't want to hear.

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