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Excellence Riviera Cancun Brides!

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I finally heard back from Veronica after sending her a second email asking her if she could please email me back to let us know everything is still set. She responded today saying our date is still on hold and to let her know when we book.


I feel much better knowing my date hasn't been given away or something disasterous like that. It sounds like slowly but surely we are all hearing from her.


Erika, it seems like you have been having the same concerns as I have about what needs to be done next. Have you booked your room yet? Apparently we just need to let her know when we book so she can give us a confirmation number and that's it. I was under the impression that we pick out the final details like flowers and stuff when we get there a few days before. Since you are going to arrive the day before and she won't be working that day, she must be able go over the details with you over email or phone beforehand so cake and flowers can be ready, right?

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A few of us in this thread have been told multiple times that a deposit is not required and that our wedding date is being held. I would actually feel better if I put down a deposit in order to get some concrete confirmation, but Veronica confirmed in an email again today that I just need to let her know when we book our trips. Our wedding isn't until October so flights aren't available yet.


I had originally booked my date back in July when Noemi was still the WC. Maybe their policy is changing now but they are sticking to the old rules for those of us who had already booked with them? Also, we had confirmed a date with Noemi 15 months in advance. There might not be much availability for this June right now since it's a popular month for weddings. Maybe that's why Veronica is asking for specific guest and travel information from you? They might be able to fit in a small wedding, but not a large one. Either way, it still is frustrating that you aren't getting much information sad.gif I'm sorry.

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Thank you so much for your post, Kris! You have no idea how much it helped. I finally did hear from Veronica today, to re-ask a question I answered last month. But again, after reading your post, I'm not half as annoyed/nervous/anxious/etc. I'd love to see your pics from Mauricio. I received his info from Veronica and we corresponded briefly re: prices but I haven't seen any of his work. Feel free to PM me if its easier. And BTW, congrats on your recent wedding. Again, thank you, you really calmed me down.


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Sorry SMF, I didn't see your question to me initially.

I did book my room a couple of months ago with a TA. Veronica did ask me (twice actually, there's a shocker) for my confirmation number. You provide it to her, not the other way around. I gave it to her immediately b/c as many people on this board, I'm not used to all of this word of mouth confirmation type stuff. I'm used to contracts and threats of lost deposits.

My hope is to firm everything up thru email well in advance of my wedding. Noemi assured me, along with her manager, several months ago that this wouldn't be a problem and it was ok that I was arriving only the day before. Lets keep our fingers crossed that this is true.

How many guests are you anticipating, SMF?

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Oh my goodness, you really must have been freaking out when she told you she didn't have your stuff even after you gave her your confirmation number!!! Yikes! I'm sure everything will turn out just beautiful though. It was really reassuring to hear Kris's review, huh?


We only wanted ~30 people, but our parents got to the list and it jumped to almost 100! We were able to talk them into leaving some people off the list and just sent out STDs to 75 people last week. We know not everyone will come but it's still wayyyyy bigger than we initially wanted. We already have 30 people saying they will come, but of course have not yet booked.

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