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After TA stole our money, NO GUEST

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This is absolutely terrible! I would never recommend anyone to use exotic escape.... they've been known in the past to actually scam people's money! My mother used them once and gave them her cc to use... they ended up taking her payment and then every month after that they would take $15 from her cc. It was such a little amount my mom didn't even notice and just paid it for a long time. Fortunately it was her cc so she just called the cc company to notify them of an unauthorized charge. We did some research and found out they had been doing it for quite a while to many people. Could you imagine how much money they would make from taking $15/month from hundreds of people.

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I only got to page 3.... so I hadnt read everyones response. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!


Originally Posted by Maura View Post
barefootbride - if you give me info about her facebook account, i will personally contact facebook today on behalf of the forum to see to it that she can't advertise there anymore if she already does.
Here is a link that you might be able to get to... Tami Ames is the TA that took my cc info, and Heather Holmgren is the owner- Login | Facebook


Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
Make sure you file with the Better Business Bureau as well.


Do you have receipts for the money that is now "missing"?

Yes I have the bank statements. The Dispute is in order. I tried to file a BBB but during the online process I was directed to a list of Attorneys! (because this is a criminal issue)


Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica View Post
Wholly Crap this person was a rep from Destinationweddings.com... I am working with them and they have been great. Geeshhh I am soo sorry for you. That is just horrible!!! Did you contact Quintin directly from DW.com he is the big guy on campus.
Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I warned the girls on the knot. One called destinationweddings.com and they didn't admit to doing this


this was her response from her TA


I just spoke with our home office at DW and they assured me it is not us. Many sites have an area called destination weddings and can get confused with us…wasnâ€t us!

Awesome. Forward me the link and I will be happy to add my 2 cents... since thats about all the money I freakin HAVE right now!!! Well the DW specialist lady is being all nice to me now stating that the VP, Ed Cotton have contacted their attorney on my behalf... YEAH RIGHT! They probably contacted the attorney to cover their butts!


Originally Posted by MsSunshine View Post
OMG! I am so sorry to hear what you and your guests went through. You mentioned that you found them on Facebook...have you posted this on there as well? This is a terrible thing that anyone has to go through. I hope they get arrested
I hope they get arrested too!!! I did... Its all on my status update!



So here is what I have done after I got off of BDW... I tried filling a report at the BBB... I was stopped because this is a CRIMINAL issuesmile27.gif

I also called Beaverton Police which gave me the damn runarounds because they could never contact me when I was up.. and when they finally did, we had HORRIBLE connection anothersmile27.gif I did get a message from an officer stating that since there is no Physical Address, they cant help me WTFhuh.gif? They also directed me to IC3.gov which is for internet fraud. its ran by the FBI and some other federal departments. I completed a complaint and got a number. They should be contacting me soon. Im super tired now. Still a little jet lagged since I flew in Sunday. I am going to take a nap. And then contact the military base here to see if I could get some legal assistance. Im just tired. This is making my wedding such a chore.

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Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
oh wow girl. how bad does that suck? hopefully the advice and phone numbers here can get you on the right track to recovering your hard earned $.

i do have cousins who live about 25 minutes from beaverton, if you have a physical address i can send them to check things out for you, see what the deal is. let me know.
I have a POBox.... that sucks right?

Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
I've been reading this thread all day...and I just wish I could give you a hug and tell you that everything will be ok!

Everything will be OK! Hang in there **HUG**
I need a hug and someone to wake me up from this nightmare!
Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
What a aweful situation to go through. I hope the bank is able to give you your money back. Have you FPIL tried contacting their bank as well?

I am wishing you all the luck in getting things worked out. No one needs this kind of stress before their wedding!
I told them too..

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
You poor thing. I feel so bad for you.

I hope that TA gets in a lot of trouble. What a horrible person she is to do something like that.
REALLY! You have to be like super evil!!! I could NEVER even THINK about taking someones money!!! You should have read their last email to me after I sent them the last payment. It was like- you should be very excited, now all you have to worry about is packing- WTFhuh.gif Yeah right!
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Originally Posted by Jacilynda View Post
This is absolutely terrible! I would never recommend anyone to use exotic escape.... they've been known in the past to actually scam people's money! My mother used them once and gave them her cc to use... they ended up taking her payment and then every month after that they would take $15 from her cc. It was such a little amount my mom didn't even notice and just paid it for a long time. Fortunately it was her cc so she just called the cc company to notify them of an unauthorized charge. We did some research and found out they had been doing it for quite a while to many people. Could you imagine how much money they would make from taking $15/month from hundreds of people.
WHAThuh.gif SERIOUSLYhuh.gif
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Awesome. Forward me the link and I will be happy to add my 2 cents... since thats about all the money I freakin HAVE right now!!! Well the DW specialist lady is being all nice to me now stating that the VP, Ed Cotton have contacted their attorney on my behalf... YEAH RIGHT! They probably contacted the attorney to cover their butts!





It's already buried on the knot. the threads there don't pop up to the top like they do here, so after a day, no one reads it anymore.

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Originally Posted by Shay2679 View Post
Has there been any progress with this? I just finished reading the entire thread, and man...I just...how can people do this?!


I'm really interested in hearing any updates...I hope SOMEONE helps you out.
Me too! I'm actually in the process of looking for a TA to help with our travel arrangements. After reading this, I'm scared s**tless!!!!!!!!

Barefootbride, my thoughts & prayers are with you and ur FH! I am soo sorry this has happened.
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Oh my goodness. Freakin people. That's in my neck of the woods. I'm willing to do some investigative work for you, but unless Abbie and Christa back me up, I don't think I want to go knock on any doors. I'd get the shit kicked out of me.


Any updates- anything you need?

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