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Hi everyone!


Newbie here! My FI and I are getting married on St. Thomas while on a Princess cruise. We all know how dirty and smelly the clothes you were on the excursions can get...


So in my mood of craftiness (a new found mood since joining this website *smiles*), I decided to make little sachet's for our guests. Our wedding colors are orange and fuchsia. I bought little fuchsia organza bags. I am going to fill them with real vanilla beans and lavender (inspired by my favorite fabric softener/sheets). I also bought silver heart pendants to slip on the ribbon before tying them shut.


I want to put them in some kind of airtight container so they stay fresh until the guests use them. Any suggestions on cute little air tight containers? The bags are fairly small...


And lastly, I came up with a little poem to label them:


Clean, Worn, or Dirty

Dark, Colorful, or Light

To keep your clothes smelling fresh...

Through your returning flight!



J & J


Anyway, I just wanted to share my idea with fellow diy'ers!

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Very cute idea! I would go hunting in my local Target or Container store for an airtight container, or just put them together once on the cruise? It would be heavy depending on how many guests you have, but a small glass bottle with a cork might work...

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