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Quitting smoking

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Congrats on trying to quit!


My FI is also trying - he woke up one AM and went out to buy the patch. He has had a FEW slip ups in stressful situations, but on week 2.. He keeps some in his car, I think it is a security blanket for him. But what he has been doing is buying bags of Dum Dum lollipops and eating those.


Its tough because he drives a lot for work. So he looks for something to do. He also got straws and cut them sort, cut a cigarette filer off the bottom and placed it in the straw so he can kill time with the "action" of smoking but not actually doing it. He says it helps.


The patch does give him some really messed up dreams and he has been moving a LOT in his sleep.


Good Luck!

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Hang in there! You CAN & WILL do it! I think it is all about changing habits... I still roll my car window down and I quit 2 years ago! It is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life... but the rewards are so great! Try to make new habits... I used to smoke in the car... call people instead! I went and got my teeth bleeched and treated myself each week I went without smoking! I had to change my routines and it helped! One day at a time... way to go:)

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I'm in your same boat. My FI hates the fact that I'm a smoker so after he proposed in Cancun, I wanted to do something huge for him, and quit cold turkey. I have found this so hard to do. Every now and then I sneak one in, but I don't have the heart to tell him. Is this terribly dishonest? I also live in NY so I know how much it costs, which is another reason I thought it would be good to quit. But then again, I've been eating more for that oral fixation, and I don't think that's a good thing for getting ready to slip into a tight fitting dress. Argh! I've even thought about trying hypnotherapy. Anyone have any success with this or have recs for the NYC area? Sorry for rambling, but I totally understand where you are coming from. It's hard, but we'll feel so much better when the hard part is over!

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You can do it Kacie and Erica! Stay strong and remain positive. I'm sure it's harder than hell but just imagine that sense of pride when you get to start to count the MONTHS since you quit rather than just days. Take it one day at a time. Start chewing gum (sugar free). Skip the pop Erica- go for flavored water instead. Find something that works for you.


You have a whole team of cheerleaders!

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Originally Posted by kacie3344 View Post
I'm in your same boat. My FI hates the fact that I'm a smoker so after he proposed in Cancun, I wanted to do something huge for him, and quit cold turkey. I have found this so hard to do. Every now and then I sneak one in, but I don't have the heart to tell him. Is this terribly dishonest? I also live in NY so I know how much it costs, which is another reason I thought it would be good to quit. But then again, I've been eating more for that oral fixation, and I don't think that's a good thing for getting ready to slip into a tight fitting dress. Argh! I've even thought about trying hypnotherapy. Anyone have any success with this or have recs for the NYC area? Sorry for rambling, but I totally understand where you are coming from. It's hard, but we'll feel so much better when the hard part is over!
OK so it sucks right, honestly the Chantix was amazing I wish I could have finished the treatment but I get horrible migraines and the pills caused too many. For your other question of it being dishonest...if he asked you and you lie to his face yeah a little dishonest...if you don't tell him and he doesn't ask, not as dishonest :) Is he a smoker or x-smoker as well? If he never smoked he will never understand but I think it is great and the best gift you can give is quitting smoking. I went for my first run/jog ever today. I still wanted to die but my lungs didn't feel like they exploded. And the eating thing...we are both May brides so we have a little time one change at a time quit smoking and eat then crash diet. Good luck
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You can do it!!! I also took Chantix and had to stop taking it, becuase it made me really sick. But I moved forward. Something that worked for me is I went to a health store and bough tooth pics. They were called Tea Tree tooth pics and had a VERY STRONG taste to them. I looked like a hick walking around with a tooth pic in my mouth, but they worked wonders. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

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Quitting smoking sucks! we have tried and failed. I gave up and decided so long as I am going to Vegas for my wedding-I will drink and smoke it up-then come home and QUIT! One last HOORAH! Not to mention we are trying to get pregnant so......his sperm problems are from his smoking. I smoke so little buit theres times 9 like vegas) where i do a pack a day. Its so hard. I get so fling pissed when i cant smoke-but I got the gum and i hope it helps. Good luck :)

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