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Frickin Dog!

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Originally Posted by FelicityEve View Post
Oh, NO! thats (the pic) is the cute little dog, that only eats things meant for dogs. The "home wrecker" is a whole other story!
Oh no, that is terrible :o( I would speak to a trainer and see what is the best way to help him stop that. I'm sure too, that the people on here will suggest some good ideas. I never had dogs that did that too often, but that has def got to be a PITA. girl_werewolf.gif Yikes, so sorry! I hope he stops, so you all can be happy!
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Originally Posted by FelicityEve View Post
Oh-hes eaten the wall, the floor (in 2 rooms!) and prob like 10 pairs of shoes, 5 bras, cords, EVERYTHING. But now he's gotten a little older (he's over a year) and hes gotten MUCH bigger (he's about 130 pounds) and I had hoped he'd grown outta it, but guess not!

I know exactly what you mean...the bigger pup (95 pounds) is now into counter surfing and will eat anything she finds up there, so we try to keep the counters cleared off...shoes, bras, jeans, ah yes, I've had a few lost too...a friend of mine said that they stop chewing around age 2...don't know if that is true, but I"m keeping my fingers crossed...
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I've posted about this before, but my boxer LOVES undies. Mine or my FI's, he doesn't care. Last week I was poopy-scooping in the backyard when I came a across my favorite (and most expensive) thong in a poop!!!! I was wondering where they had gone! I was shocked and sad for having to throw them in the poop bag.....also a bit confused as to how he had swallowed them whole!!! smile41.gif Anyways, I feel you on not being able to have anything nice.

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oh I can totally relate, Shlya has chewed on my couch pillows, distroyed one of them. Was chewing on my tables....she also digs up the poor dirt in my only plant that I have outside in a pot. I'm not a plant person either, so this little tree is living through all of this lol. I need to buy more chew toys....good place to go and inexpensive is Petedge.com

Yes, we are creating her when we leave so no more chewing on furniture while we are gone and I shut the door to the room so she doesn't chew on our comforter, like she did yesterday....ugggg!!!!

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Originally Posted by seaprincess View Post
I've posted about this before, but my boxer LOVES undies. Mine or my FI's, he doesn't care. Last week I was poopy-scooping in the backyard when I came a across my favorite (and most expensive) thong in a poop!!!! I was wondering where they had gone! I was shocked and sad for having to throw them in the poop bag.....also a bit confused as to how he had swallowed them whole!!! smile41.gif Anyways, I feel you on not being able to have anything nice.
LOL - I haven't found undies in their poop yet, but I find a lot of plastic and bark (they love to eat tree bark) and once when one of them was pooping, the poop wouldn't come all the way out and was dangling, so I went over to check it's butt and it was string from one of our dust mops...shit on a string...now that was a first for me! :)
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Most of the time when you have a distructive dog it means you have a bored dog. If your not already you need to give them plenty of excercise for their size (not a quick trip around the block) a couple times a day. If after that they are still distroying things then you need to crate them or keep them on a leash attached to you if you are unable to watch them 24/7.

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Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
Oh no, that is terrible :o( I would speak to a trainer and see what is the best way to help him stop that. I'm sure too, that the people on here will suggest some good ideas. I never had dogs that did that too often, but that has def got to be a PITA. girl_werewolf.gif Yikes, so sorry! I hope he stops, so you all can be happy!
We just took our dog (a puggle) to a trainer on Tuesday about his anxiety and eating stuff while we're gone. He actually had some really interesting and smart things to say. Our dog has been fully trained as a puppy - he can sit, stay, come, even spin. But what the new trainer told us is that basically he's just doing tricks, and isn't obedient at all. He said that once your dog is truly obedient and doesn't just do stuff for treats, he will never EVER touch your stuff. So we're in the process of working on that now...our first lesson was concentrated on getting him to walk with us properly and only stop when we tell him to, and not pull, etc...doing this all with NO treats! So far so good, but we still have so much farther to go, and it's a lot of work. But I know it's 100% necessary and will be worth it!

I would recommend using a trainer for sure...but I'll update you once we have some more lessons under our belt :)
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LOL! I am so sorry for your loss! I thought I was p-oed a few weeks ago when the 7 month old "giant" puppy ate a hole in my rug, which is as old as him. But, if he ate my couch, and a wall, he'd have to do some serious sucking up to get back on my good side.


It really is hard to stay mad at them. And, I blame myself for this youngest one. I have a 7 year old weimaraner, Jackson, and he was the same way until he was about 4 years old, now he's an angel. He ate furniture too. So I should have known that when we got a Weimaraner mix he'd do the same thing. I pray Bear, the puppy, grows out of it earlier than Jackson.

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