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*Official chat thread for BIGGEST LOSER 3* (UPDATED WITH WINNER!!)


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Ugh, I can not find my before pic. FI used my camera, but I thought I had it on my computer. So, I'll look to see if I have something else. I haven't taken an after shot yet. I will take a pic in my work pants that are nice and loose now! In the meantime, I had my FI take my measurements before we started. Here are the changes:

Bicep~ 12--- now 11 1/2

Chest~ 36 1/2--- now 35 1/2 sad.gif

Waist~ 29--- now 26 1/2! woohoo

Hips~ 41 1/2--- now 39

Thigh~ 25 1/2--- now 23! punk.gif Holy cow! I can't believe that one. My hips and thighs are the area I hate most. I definitely noticed a difference in my saddlebags. They are almost non-existent now and its amazing. And really all of my pants are looser in the seat and thigh.


Here are some things I learned in the last 8 weeks...


I ate a LOT of ice cream before. Like everyday, sometimes more than once a day. Not to mention the cookies and hershey bars.


Diet coke is hard to give up and must have some sort of addicting ingredient.


My body feels better when it doesn't have so much sugar in it.


Having to get on the scale and take a picture of it every week is motivation in itself.


Having other people to talk to who are doing the same thing is really helpful.


I should say that when we started I was the heaviest I have probably been. I had been that heavy once before, but many years ago (like 6-7). Not really sure how I got so heavy right before we started this because my body usually has a comfort zone and doesn't really change much one way or the other. I think going back to school and changing jobs (and my whole schedule around) not to mention wedding planning made it so I just ate whatever whenever without paying much attention to it. Now I'm almost back to a plan I followed right before I was going to be in my friends wedding a few years ago. I got in really good shape for that and for about 6 months after. Then fell off the wagon. Hopefully this time I can stick with it for a long time.

I will try for pics tomorrow. :) Thanks ladies for all your support. Can't wait for BL4.

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