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*Official chat thread for BIGGEST LOSER 3* (UPDATED WITH WINNER!!)


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Originally Posted by K&Rwedding View Post
So I had to weigh in tonight because I don't think I can find the time tomorrow. So all in all I believe I lost approx 12ish lbs. Though by the scale it is more, when we started I had just came back from vac and it was also that time you know. So I calculate approx 4-5 lbs in just water weight, so it was actually more than 12lbs after that. Well hey either way. I am feeling good. I have about 7-8 more lbs to go to wear my dress.

I wish every one the best.

You did great. How awesome that you can just pull up a skirt that you couldnt even get one before. and you look great in your bathing suit pics. I wish i would of took before pics before bl2.

I need bl4 to get to my goal weight. Im I'm 12lbs away from my goal weight for the wedding but i think i'm probably not going to reach it. Its getting harder and harder for the pounds to come off lately. I'm going to just try to do really good on bl4 and be happy with my end result even if i don't reach my goals. Ive been getting so many comments about how good i looks lately and i've been so much happier with my appearance. It feels good!

Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
well, i did it! i managed to make it over the 10 lb. mark! LOL it's silly how happy it made me to have lost 10 pounds, since i have SO much more to lose, and i should have lost more than that in 8 weeks. best of luck to you all, and i'll see you in BL4!
that's awesome your over the 10lbs mark. You should be proud of yourself!
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So, I just did it~ I sent my final weigh in to Ann! I'm proud to say that I am the lightest I can ever remember myself being as an adult. elefant.gif I still have a little more before I reach my goal, but I set it pretty high when we started. I will be joining BL4 since my wedding is coming up faster and faster.


From BL3 I look noticably different. People I know have been commenting that I've lost weight. My e-ring is too big now! Damn, I'd rather have pudgy fingers than thighs. lol And the best part, the pants I wear to work like everyday are a little big now. And I'm going to say its because of the weight loss and not that they've gotten stretched out from me wearing them everyday! lol They're even loose right after I take them out of the dryer and I know you can relate when I say that's a major feat!


Great job to everyone and thank you so much for the motivation! Can't wait to see who wins and for the next one to begin.

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Kelly I believe you have this one in the bag.... Congrats.... This was so much fun.


Are you going to post before and after pictures? That would be very motivating, I feel.


I really hope everyone feels like a winner, because 5lbs or 25lbs we should all feel great that we are in love, healthy and have the opportunity to walk down the isle in an exotic place DW.....


You guys are all wonderful and beautiful pounds will never measure that.





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Kathy you look awesome! Good for you. I can't even find a before picture yet but I'm working on it. I gained one pound this week but I still ended up losing 15 lbs. I would like to lose about 20 more and plan on starting right away. I've been off the wagon for the last week so I start strict again tomorrow. This was so much fun. Congrats to you Kelly and to everyone who worked so hard. Thanks!

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Thanks everyone for all the positive thoughts! I don't know if I have any before pictures. I'll have to check on that. I definitely don't think I have this all locked up. The last few weeks I didn't lose as much each week as I was hoping for, but I did lose something every week. I think that both Kathie and Kathy have a shot at it too. I didn't keep track of the rest of you. lol

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