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Love your STDs!


I am planning on doing STDs too, with a link to our website. I will put all the info on our website for people to check. I am also doing what Kash suggested and putting the RSVP code for the website in with the STD, so I'm hoping we'll get the RSVPs online.


I wasn't planning on sending formal invitations, but you're right, it's a good reminder, so maybe I will! If I do, it will be just a gesture, a nice traditional invite, with a link to our website again...

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Originally Posted by lryates76 View Post
You're right! I'm just antsy, excited and nervous. I know people are going to wait until the last minute, and not be able to get a room. ALL of my people procrastinate!
My people procrastinate too! That's why we did STDs and formal invites. That way they got another little reminder. We also put std magnets in with the STDs and I plan on sending out one more mailing about a month before, with travel tips, spanish phrases, weekend itinerary, luggage tags, etc. You would think that would be enough, but my sister who's my matron of honor (I have no other bridesmaids) still hasn't booked her trip with 2 mos to go! Grrr...
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Hi Mrs V-to-be..


Although I love Lisa's save the date cards, I am thinking of going your route. Earlier the better so that people have advance notice of the cost and booking time off work for a week. I expect that we will have a smaller group As it is..everyone is bugging me for the details for the last couple of months.


Have you picked out yours yet or had any ideas?


Love to see what you had found. I bought some DIY on sale in the states for $2 but didn't buy enough invites...so I am waiting to see if I should buy more of the same at Michael's or try something else.




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