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Stampede Weekend **PICS**


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Sorry I've been kind of MIA for the past week. After Michael left for Toronto I tried to keep as busy as possible (mostly that meant staying out of the house). So this past weekend I went to Calgary to visit my best friend Kelly for an annual Stampede party at our friend Lindsay's house. It was super fun, so I'm posting a few pics! as you might be able to tell, as the pics progress so does my level of intoxication...lol! Michael couldn't make it out from TO, but I wore his hat in his honor! hehe!


Kelly and I and our bibs (we were can be messy when we eat)


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Kelly and her BF Tedders


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Kelly&I and our 5th vodka water!


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Hugo stealing beef on the bun from the trash and getting in trouble by his mom

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getting into the double-fisting = trouble

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the troop

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party bus

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drinking on the bus is the best!

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notice how we're always holding diff drinks?! (it was 20min bus trip..and i don't remember these pics being taken frown.gif )

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at the bar

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don't give boys stickers - they make them dirty cry.gif

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hat switcharoo...and yes i was horribly intoxicated, it was the last drink and pic of the night for me...:S


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