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My Favors Came Today

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I am so excited my favors came today. I am trying to get as much done as I can before I go for my site visit (well okay I am actually going to visit my grandma but we are doing a bunch of vendor visits that week)

Anyway, here they are, we will attach a tag that says something like this

You have been such an important part of our lives that we cannot imagine this happy day without your love and support.

Thank you for being a very special part of our wedding day.

Love, Will & Christine 7/20/07


Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.
(the last pic is the bottle stopper is in a beer bottle but you get the idea)


I am really happy with them, they are great quality and I love love love them.


smile159.gif smile159.gif smile159.gif smile159.gif smile159.gif smile159.gif
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Your guests will love these for years to come....I don't know if this is too corny but I think it would be cute to use a quote about how friends are like great wine - years in the making or more valuable as time passes or something to tie your verbage to your theme - just a thought.


Great choice on the favorssmile159.gif smile29.gif

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