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help with MOH speech!

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Okay guys, I am counting on all your advice for helping me write a speech for my best friend's wedding. It is in less than 3 weeks and I'm starting to panic! I've been looking for help online, but I'm just having a hard time getting started. For those of you who are married, can you tell me what made the speeches at your wedding most memorable? I'm afraid I'm not particularly funny, and especially not when I'm nervous.


Thank you!

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Hey there! I was MOH in two weddings lasy year (my sister and my BF), and they were back-to-back weekends! YIKES! Anyway, I started each of my toasts with a quick introduction and how I know the bride. Then I went into my first memory (of my BF) and my favorite memory of my sister. I tried to make them both a little funny, without seeming like I was fishing for a laugh. I said a little bit about the grooms, got a little sentimental with both of them, and then wrapped it up with a simple toast. I think both of them went over pretty well...especially since I had a little to drink beforehand!! GOOD LUCK!!


PS...I had a few notes written down on a scrap piece of paper in case I got lost...I think that is better than reading the entire thing straight from a piece of paper where it is all written out, word for word...that may just be me though!

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I was stressed to give my speech at my sisters. I even went to borders to buy a book on toasts. After finding nothing, I just spoke from the heart, and it worked out beautifully. So my advice would be to just relax and don't over think it. Happy toasting!

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I think traditionally the MOH is more sentimental and the BM speech is funny.


Making it personal is very important. Like someone else mentioned a story on how you met or how you know each other or if you're family, a memory of dressing up or pretending you're married when your little...


Then maybe about how she and her DH met and maybe something she said to you about them when they first started dating.


I would stay away from all the poems and quotes and just keep it from the heart.


My MOH speech was her telling Matt "I'll tell you at your wedding" what she and I discussed one night when we first started dating. Never did she think at that point we'd actually be married (it was only a month into our relationship). She actually remembered our conversation and told everyone what she said to me that night so many years ago. It was very sweet and made me feel very loved.

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