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Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post


Congratulations everyone on booking the most beautiful place on earth to get married... you will in no way regret it what-so-ever... you will have the best best times of your lives :-)


Nic x


You are the best !  xoxo

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wow I have been throughout this site and can't believe I'm now just posting on this thread... smile105.gif


I'm also a 2013 May 11th bride at the RPRM.. I booked my date with the resort and I have a block for my guest with Wendy HIcks (wonderful TA)... I see a lot of brides around May 4th but I haven't found one May 11th. How far are some of guys? 

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Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post


wow I have been throughout this site and can't believe I'm now just posting on this thread... smile105.gif


I'm also a 2013 May 11th bride at the RPRM.. I booked my date with the resort and I have a block for my guest with Wendy HIcks (wonderful TA)... I see a lot of brides around May 4th but I haven't found one May 11th. How far are some of guys? 

 Congrats Shay, how exciting!! I'm set for April 17, 2013. How is your planning coming along?

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Hi Ladies,


I have also read this entire thread plus many others on this site and am so happy I have found this site!  My wedding isn't until Nov 2013, however I'm in planning mode and have found so many great ideas here.  I am planning on having around 25-35 people so right now it's hard to say what I will end up doing on the actual date since the timing of my entire day will depend if I have the early dinner or later dinner (the resort requires you to have the later dinner of 8:30, 8:45 if you have over 27-30 people). 


I have my wedding booked for 4pm, and during this time of year in Playa the sun will set around 5:10pm.  I'm kind of up in the air if I should move my ceremony to 3 in order to take advantage of the sunlight, however I don't want my guests to have 6+ hours of wait time from the ceremony to dinner (again dependant on the number of people).  I am possibly thinking of keeping the time of 4 and having the photographer do some photos prior to the ceremony.


After the ceremony I plan on having the cocktail hour (or many hours) and the mariachi band.  I may have to give in and do the appetizers, although I really would rather use the $ elsewhere.  I'm just afraid I will have a bunch of drunk guests by the time dinner rolls around and don't want everyone to eat and then want to go to bed!


More than likely I will have the semi private reception and have seen mixed responses of whether or not an Ipod can be used at the semi private dinner reception.  I would also like to know if they will charge you an equipment fee for this or if you just bring your own docking station, then you are good to do it all on your own??


I was originally going to go with the largest package (caprice), however after doing some number crunching and reviewing of the differences between the top two packages,  I think I will go with the next level down, the Royal Package.  There is a $1000 saving between the two and I don't think the items offered in the next package are work the $1000 extra fee.  I know that I may have an extra per person cost above 20 persons, but stil think the savings will be significant.  I will also have 2 hairdressers with me so this if the main item that I would want from the Caprice package.


If any of you ladies have a price list for the additional services, that would be great.  I emailed the WC several weeks ago and didn't hear back.


Well, that was kind of long winded, but I think all for now blink.gif

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Hi Shay4966!


I've seen you around the boards...I've been meaning to recruit you here!  I am trying to get more active on here.  How is that beautiful little girl of yours doing????


Let's get dishing girls!!!  Here's my info - sorry in advance for this being so lengthy, but I am excited to have some future RPRM brides here to plan with!!!!!  xoxo


We will be at the RPRM for Easter Break 2013 (Easter being early next year -  March 31st).  We are booked for April 2nd, 2013 wedding day at 5pm.  We will be staying at the resort for 10 nights (arriving Wed., 3/27 - departing Saturday, 4/6).  We are having a civil ceremony.  Yes, we are going to go through all the RED TAPE!  We decided on having the ceremony at the  Gazebo instead of the beach for a bit more privacy.  


Here's what i have been up to since January.  I was a busy bee up until a few weeks ago when I started to slack off (and needed to catch up with some $$$$) but now I am back to it:


I ordered my dress (Jan), created our wedding website on weddingwire.com and then got in touch with Wendy Hicks (TA from this site).  I think you are using her too, yes?  I sent electronic STD (March), mailed my DIY boarding pass invitations (mid April) and now as of this week I think I have close to 36 people booked (waiting on confirmation from Wendy).  


My FI, future stepson & I booked our airline flights last week since it's Easter (busy travel time for peeps with school kids) so we wanted to be sure to get out our flights booked before costs went up or the flights filled up.  We anticipate 50-60 people attending.  It's all coming together - wow!


I bought my own chair sashes since I thought $4 a chair sash was ridiculous.  Through this site I found a seller on ebay.  Spend $58 for 100, so 58 cents a piece.  I figure I can sell what I don't use - or sell them all....we'll see.  I've seen other brides do it.


I ordered luggage tags, key-card plastic holders and lanyards from idcardgroup.com.  Mid summer to late summer I plan on giving 2 luggage tags a piece / per person (4 per couple) with a thanks for booking postcard (vistaprint).  The inserts for the luggage tags I did with business cards from Vistaprint.  Great site for brides!


I found my OTT bags at Walmart & got some special ones for the Mom's & family from vistaprint.  I am 'almost' done with my OTT bags just finishing up some DIY labels, as well as medications & small stuff.  Once I feel confident I am done with these...I will move on to ceremony/reception stuff.


Although I feel I should book the photographer soon.  I may just go with the resort photographer to avoid all the additional costs.  It appears they switched to Adventure Photos.  I sent them an inquiry and just heard back from them.


Then we need to  figure out grooms & BM shirts, my accessories, flowers, etc.  CALGON TAKE ME AWAY.  shots.gif

Thank goodness we ladies are smart and start planning so far in advance!!!!


I have read this thread from the beginning to the present and have had a lot of questions answered although there still seem to be some discrepancies...private verses semi private dinner times, etc.  I sent an email to the resort last week although I know it may take some time for them to get back to me - knowing they are busy with other brides and they usually would not talk to me until 2 months prior to the big day.  


I have been to this resort before so I know I want a private reception at Chili's Steakhouse along with a DJ...I've heard didfferent answers about what time that the reception can begin if it's private at this particular restaurant.  Some say 8:45 (2nd seating) and others indicate 7pm....I'd really like to figure some of this out before 2 months out so I am not so depressed if I cannot get what I want.  LOL!


Enough about long winded me - where are you at in the planning process...what have you done so far.  So hapy you are here!

Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post

wow I have been throughout this site and can't believe I'm now just posting on this thread... smile105.gif


I'm also a 2013 May 11th bride at the RPRM.. I booked my date with the resort and I have a block for my guest with Wendy HIcks (wonderful TA)... I see a lot of brides around May 4th but I haven't found one May 11th. How far are some of guys? 

Welcome Jez111213!  welcome.gif


I like how your ate flows 11-12-13 - very nice!  Did you plan it that way?


I heard the same thing about the sun setting earlier in the fall.  Although the ceremony is 20 minutes tops - maybe for pictures and lighting you may want to move up to 3?  I get what you are saying though - that waiting game between ceremony & reception.   One of the reasons I chose 5.  We almost did 4 on the beach, but then changed our minds to 5 at the Gazebo.


We reserved our date with the Royal Package.  We are unsure if we will move up to the Caprice or not.  Even though it includes 20 more people,   The additional $1,000 covers things we do not really need.  I just need to see what the cost per additional person would and compare it to that $1000 and go from there.  Although I already have 36 so who knows...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


I have a price list of "Extra's" they sent me - for 2012.  Even thought the rate on my wedding confirmation shows 2013 prices.  That is one of the reasons I sent an email to the wedding peeps there last week (no response yet)....for budgeting purposes and cost comparison, I wanted to confirm what prices I should be paying 2012 verses 2013.  Even though I booked in 2012 I would assume they want 2013 pricing???  A little confusing.  I will be sure to share with the group once I hear back something.


What is your email I can send you what they sent me.


Talk to you soon!








Originally Posted by Jez111213 View Post

Hi Ladies,


I have also read this entire thread plus many others on this site and am so happy I have found this site!  My wedding isn't until Nov 2013, however I'm in planning mode and have found so many great ideas here.  I am planning on having around 25-35 people so right now it's hard to say what I will end up doing on the actual date since the timing of my entire day will depend if I have the early dinner or later dinner (the resort requires you to have the later dinner of 8:30, 8:45 if you have over 27-30 people). 


I have my wedding booked for 4pm, and during this time of year in Playa the sun will set around 5:10pm.  I'm kind of up in the air if I should move my ceremony to 3 in order to take advantage of the sunlight, however I don't want my guests to have 6+ hours of wait time from the ceremony to dinner (again dependant on the number of people).  I am possibly thinking of keeping the time of 4 and having the photographer do some photos prior to the ceremony.


After the ceremony I plan on having the cocktail hour (or many hours) and the mariachi band.  I may have to give in and do the appetizers, although I really would rather use the $ elsewhere.  I'm just afraid I will have a bunch of drunk guests by the time dinner rolls around and don't want everyone to eat and then want to go to bed!


More than likely I will have the semi private reception and have seen mixed responses of whether or not an Ipod can be used at the semi private dinner reception.  I would also like to know if they will charge you an equipment fee for this or if you just bring your own docking station, then you are good to do it all on your own??


I was originally going to go with the largest package (caprice), however after doing some number crunching and reviewing of the differences between the top two packages,  I think I will go with the next level down, the Royal Package.  There is a $1000 saving between the two and I don't think the items offered in the next package are work the $1000 extra fee.  I know that I may have an extra per person cost above 20 persons, but stil think the savings will be significant.  I will also have 2 hairdressers with me so this if the main item that I would want from the Caprice package.


If any of you ladies have a price list for the additional services, that would be great.  I emailed the WC several weeks ago and didn't hear back.


Well, that was kind of long winded, but I think all for now blink.gif

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Hopefully we can get this thread up & moving. This site is so helpful, and I love being able to have people from the same resorts to plan with & ask questions & help!


We are scheduled to get married April 17 2013. We were engaged on a random Tuesday so why not get married on a random Wednesday? We chose the gazebo at 4:00pm, it seems pretty & more private then the beach. We are hopeful to stay 7 nights, 4/13 - 4/20.


We are in the process right now of trying to book RPRM. We are working with Wendy Hicks, TA from Wright travel. I feel like i'm constantly bogging her down. I am having a hard time deciding between group booking & individual booking. We only have the minimum of 10 rooms for group booking and everyone I know wants to stay different length of times. So i'm sure there will be no real incentives to group booking. I just need to stop and finalize everything but I just want it to fall right into place! Any advice? We just want the best deal as possible, but im stressing. I get different reviews about waiting versus not waiting. ha.


*Side note Elissa when booking the wedding I know for the Room number confirmation we had to put TBD -- once it is determined how do we contact them and let them know our booking #?


I feel like i'm slacking on planning, everyone seems so ahead of the game. I am trying to finish up my DIY boarding pass invitations. They are turning out cute, its just the process of getting them cut & sent out. Elissa how did you go about sending electronic save the dates? Maybe I should do that, then go ahead and send out the invites. We were just planning on having our close friends & family come, but now we are thinking about inviting everyone!


Other than trying to figure out the invitation situation, I haven't got much done. I have all these things I want to get done but haven't stepped foot on. Elissa do you know the name of the ebay seller you got the chair sashes from? I'm looking into getting those soon. I also want to order insulated mugs for everyone, I think that is a clever idea ;)


I went with a couple of my bridesmaids to look at dresses, I found one I think i'm leaning towards. I want to lose weight before hand, so I don't know when to go and order that dress. I have alot of weight to lose, and am hopeful about it. but who knows? I picked out the girls dresses, now we just have to pick out outfits for the guys. I'm liking the stuff on cubavera.com so we might do something along those lines!


We are probably going with a semi private dinner. We've picked the Royal package. I too have heard to many ups & downs about private vs semi private. What we can have and what we can't have. I wish it was sometimes just spelled out for us! lol. We are probably going to try & have a semi private dinner up on the chili's terrace I've seen that and it looked beautiful! I'm going to just try & bring down a portable ipod dock & ipod and see what happens from there! if worst comes to worst i'll take it down to the beach where we can dance on the sand! I want to have a cocktail hour by the beach (i've seen pictures of it, but have heard that they can't do that? so confusing) & I want to spring for the marachi band, but that might be too much $$ for us.


That's all I've got so far, so we will see what happens as time goes on. My work schedule just changed and has me working 10x more then I have been, so that is the sucky part atm! :(

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OMG ladies! You are way ahead of me! Lol. When I start planning I get a bit stressed so I have several idea's I have but have not started much. We will be arriving at the resort on Wed May 1st and will be getting married on Sat May 4th, 2013 at 5:00pm! Origionally this was supposed to be a very small group so I chose to go with the "free" wedding package. After friends and family have all discussed it seems like we have several more people interested in going so who knows. At least you can change the package at anytime, however the other packages dont seem to add much for the $. I may just add the $20 per person over 10. Thankfully, my best friend does hair so I dont need that!!


I have a personal friend who is a travel agent. We are waiting on flights to open, here in a couple weeks, to start puting info togethor for guests. I have not sent out save the dates but plan on getting to that soon. The DIY passport info is pretty neat, where did you guys get all of that info? I am by no means crafty so I may end up ordering some or something.


I think we will also do the semi-private reception at Chili's after a cocktail hour. I would like to have a mariachi band but the cost is pretty steep for 45 min!!! Whoa!! I am a pretty low key person so I am trying to keep this simple and fun. I figured after dinner there are places we can go drink and hang out without a private reception!!


I think I am going to order insulated mugs, fans and maracha's for guests. That is all I have planned at this time.


Does anyone have any pricing info on the photography packages through the resort?? Any photos of the bouquet's in the packages??


We are going to have a reception here when we get back so we are trying to stay on a tight budget!!


We are planning on staying at the RIU from May 1st to May 7th and then we may go off to a different resort for a few days for a "honeymoon" since we will have more guests than expected. This, however, is still up in the air.

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Originally Posted by shes2013 View Post


 Congrats Shay, how exciting!! I'm set for April 17, 2013. How is your planning coming along?



lets see..


STD's are out

I have booked my photographer

got my oot bags

working on my invitations

got my ring holders

setup my wedding website

working on my "tears of joy"

got my sand ceremony frame

got the sand

looking for centerpiece ideas


I feel behind but I don't know,,, how about you?

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Originally Posted by elissae View Post


Hi Shay4966!


I've seen you around the boards...I've been meaning to recruit you here!  I am trying to get more active on here.  How is that beautiful little girl of yours doing????


Let's get dishing girls!!!  Here's my info - sorry in advance for this being so lengthy, but I am excited to have some future RPRM brides here to plan with!!!!!  xoxo


We will be at the RPRM for Easter Break 2013 (Easter being early next year -  March 31st).  We are booked for April 2nd, 2013 wedding day at 5pm.  We will be staying at the resort for 10 nights (arriving Wed., 3/27 - departing Saturday, 4/6).  We are having a civil ceremony.  Yes, we are going to go through all the RED TAPE!  We decided on having the ceremony at the  Gazebo instead of the beach for a bit more privacy.  


Here's what i have been up to since January.  I was a busy bee up until a few weeks ago when I started to slack off (and needed to catch up with some $$$$) but now I am back to it:


I ordered my dress (Jan), created our wedding website on weddingwire.com and then got in touch with Wendy Hicks (TA from this site).  I think you are using her too, yes?  I sent electronic STD (March), mailed my DIY boarding pass invitations (mid April) and now as of this week I think I have close to 36 people booked (waiting on confirmation from Wendy).  


My FI, future stepson & I booked our airline flights last week since it's Easter (busy travel time for peeps with school kids) so we wanted to be sure to get out our flights booked before costs went up or the flights filled up.  We anticipate 50-60 people attending.  It's all coming together - wow!


I bought my own chair sashes since I thought $4 a chair sash was ridiculous.  Through this site I found a seller on ebay.  Spend $58 for 100, so 58 cents a piece.  I figure I can sell what I don't use - or sell them all....we'll see.  I've seen other brides do it.


I ordered luggage tags, key-card plastic holders and lanyards from idcardgroup.com.  Mid summer to late summer I plan on giving 2 luggage tags a piece / per person (4 per couple) with a thanks for booking postcard (vistaprint).  The inserts for the luggage tags I did with business cards from Vistaprint.  Great site for brides!


I found my OTT bags at Walmart & got some special ones for the Mom's & family from vistaprint.  I am 'almost' done with my OTT bags just finishing up some DIY labels, as well as medications & small stuff.  Once I feel confident I am done with these...I will move on to ceremony/reception stuff.


Although I feel I should book the photographer soon.  I may just go with the resort photographer to avoid all the additional costs.  It appears they switched to Adventure Photos.  I sent them an inquiry and just heard back from them.


Then we need to  figure out grooms & BM shirts, my accessories, flowers, etc.  CALGON TAKE ME AWAY.  shots.gif

Thank goodness we ladies are smart and start planning so far in advance!!!!


I have read this thread from the beginning to the present and have had a lot of questions answered although there still seem to be some discrepancies...private verses semi private dinner times, etc.  I sent an email to the resort last week although I know it may take some time for them to get back to me - knowing they are busy with other brides and they usually would not talk to me until 2 months prior to the big day.  


I have been to this resort before so I know I want a private reception at Chili's Steakhouse along with a DJ...I've heard didfferent answers about what time that the reception can begin if it's private at this particular restaurant.  Some say 8:45 (2nd seating) and others indicate 7pm....I'd really like to figure some of this out before 2 months out so I am not so depressed if I cannot get what I want.  LOL!


Enough about long winded me - where are you at in the planning process...what have you done so far.  So hapy you are here!


Welcome Jez111213!  welcome.gif


I like how your ate flows 11-12-13 - very nice!  Did you plan it that way?


I heard the same thing about the sun setting earlier in the fall.  Although the ceremony is 20 minutes tops - maybe for pictures and lighting you may want to move up to 3?  I get what you are saying though - that waiting game between ceremony & reception.   One of the reasons I chose 5.  We almost did 4 on the beach, but then changed our minds to 5 at the Gazebo.


We reserved our date with the Royal Package.  We are unsure if we will move up to the Caprice or not.  Even though it includes 20 more people,   The additional $1,000 covers things we do not really need.  I just need to see what the cost per additional person would and compare it to that $1000 and go from there.  Although I already have 36 so who knows...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


I have a price list of "Extra's" they sent me - for 2012.  Even thought the rate on my wedding confirmation shows 2013 prices.  That is one of the reasons I sent an email to the wedding peeps there last week (no response yet)....for budgeting purposes and cost comparison, I wanted to confirm what prices I should be paying 2012 verses 2013.  Even though I booked in 2012 I would assume they want 2013 pricing???  A little confusing.  I will be sure to share with the group once I hear back something.


What is your email I can send you what they sent me.


Talk to you soon!








Hey!!!! I remember re discussed being planning buddies before... cheesy.gif... my little one is doing good, already crawling (at 5 months) she see things and wants them so I guess she decided the only want to get them is to get moving. 


I have started a couple of threads here, including "a get fit for the isle thread." I went throughout this thread when I was planning another wedding because I knew this was were I wanted to have mine. Wendy is great and we plan to have about 40- 50 people. I'm not sure about everything else. I'm trying to knock the little stuff out the way because I have a habit of seeing the big picture and forgetting about the little things. I did start working on mine and my bridesmaids bouquets. I'm doing real touch and brooch and I will post a DIY thread when I'm done. I'm having a hard time deciding between tropical theme and beach theme. My DIY STD's were both. I booked with Del Sol for a 5pm wedding at the gazebo. I plan to have a cigar roller and mariachi band play at the cocktail hour. I have no idea on what dress I want and I'm not doing that until November, I'm not really a dress person and my mother isn't there to help so it's not as exciting as I imagine for others. As a designer I like maggie sottero, more specifically Adeline... but Idk.

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I agree I hope we can get this up & running, too!  Plus we are all close in dates so it will be fun to get each other excited & share ideas.  I will answer your questions within your post here.

Originally Posted by shes2013 View Post

Hopefully we can get this thread up & moving. This site is so helpful, and I love being able to have people from the same resorts to plan with & ask questions & help!


We are scheduled to get married April 17 2013. We were engaged on a random Tuesday so why not get married on a random Wednesday? We chose the gazebo at 4:00pm, it seems pretty & more private then the beach. We are hopeful to stay 7 nights, 4/13 - 4/20.


We are in the process right now of trying to book RPRM. We are working with Wendy Hicks, TA from Wright travel. I feel like i'm constantly bogging her down. I am having a hard time deciding between group booking & individual booking. We only have the minimum of 10 rooms for group booking and everyone I know wants to stay different length of times. So i'm sure there will be no real incentives to group booking. I just need to stop and finalize everything but I just want it to fall right into place! Any advice? We just want the best deal as possible, but im stressing. I get different reviews about waiting versus not waiting. ha.  We went with Group Booking since we wanted to be sure the rooms were guaranteed.  Our biggest fear was that it being Easter week that people would not book individually in time and they would not be able to get a room.  In addition, Wendy explained that typically group booking is the best way to guarantee that you will get the most from the resort as far as upgrades, complimentary events, maybe even free nights.  Group rates are not always lower than individual, but most times are.  Guests are able to pick how long they wish to stay within the group booking.  The majority of my peeps are doing Sat-Sat, some Wed-Wed, some Thurs-following Fri - a variety.  Wendy did say  that with group booking you get your set price, however, if rates go down, the tour operator & the resort will usually accommodate you and make an adjustment to the group price.


*Side note Elissa when booking the wedding I know the Room number confirmation we had to put TBD -- once it is determined how do we contact them and let them know our booking #?  Once I completed my group booking with Wendy, she gave me a a Group # which I communicated back to the Riu person who confirmed my wedding date.  


I feel like i'm slacking on planning, everyone seems so ahead of the game. I am trying to finish up my DIY boarding pass invitations. They are turning out cute, its just the process of getting them cut & sent out. Elissa how did you go about sending electronic save the dates? I went on evite.com and created one and emailed it to all my guests. I indicated formal invitation to follow and also referenced our wedding website for more information.  Maybe I should do that, then go ahead and send out the invites. We were just planning on having our close friends & family come, but now we are thinking about inviting everyone!


Other than trying to figure out the invitation situation, I haven't got much done. I have all these things I want to get done but haven't stepped foot on. Elissa do you know the name of the ebay seller you got the chair sashes from? I'm into getting those soon. I also want to order insulated mugs for everyone, I think that is a clever idea ;) 

Ebay seller is vlovelife


I went with a couple of my bridesmaids to look at dresses, I found one I think i'm leaning towards. I want to lose weight before hand, so I don't know when to go and order that dress. I have alot of weight to lose, and am hopeful about it. but who knows? I picked out the girls dresses, now we just have to pick out outfits for the guys. I'm liking the stuff on cubavera.com so we might do something along those lines!


We are probably going with a semi private dinner. We've picked the Royal package. I too have heard to many ups & downs about private vs semi private. What we can have and what we can't have. I wish it was sometimes just spelled out for us! lol. We are probably going to try & have a semi private dinner up on the chili's terrace I've seen that and it looked beautiful! I'm going to just try & bring down a portable ipod dock & ipod and see what happens from there! if worst comes to worst i'll take it down to the beach where we can dance on the sand! I want to have a cocktail hour by the beach (i've seen pictures of it, but have heard that they can't do that? so confusing) & I want to spring for the marachi band, but that might be too much $$ for us.

I thought I read somewhere that you maybe able to do drinks on the beach, but I think there are added fees (aren't there always?)  


That's all I've got so far, so we will see what happens as time goes on. My work schedule just changed and has me working 10x more then I have been, so that is the sucky part atm! :(

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