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Thanks for the comments on my gorgeous wee niece :-) x


OMG i would have died if i went to pay for make up trial an that happened, not before bursting into tears. xox


Well done Jen, thats a great boost... might have to look into that..... x


dana..... Thats absoluty outrageous that she did that.... I can not believe it!!! How rude!!!! :-( Im sure your dress will be fine and its just last min nerves?!!!

I am SO excited for you that you go so soon x



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Hello ladies!!

Wow a lot's happened.


JRB - It's 20 pp for the private... and the DJ is an extra $1200. sad.gif  I am getting it all too... and I think I'll have a party as big as yours. When's your big day?


SCarp - I completely understand how you feel. People don't realize what they're really paying is for their own vacation! Every time I tell someone, yes, alcohol is included, then they get the idea. I did a whole brochure outlining EVERYTHING included in the price and how to book... and now people are telling me that it sounds reasonable. Maybe something like that would get your friends on the same page?

But also, my cousin is exactly like your friend. I spent more than $1,000 on her wedding because I had to travel in for it... between dress, shoes, flight, stay, and gifts; I mean, I got her engagement and shower gifts, and money on her wedding day. I'm not asking for any gifts from ANYONE... and I offered to pay for her shoes and dress. But not only is she not going to my wedding... but she hasn't even gotten me an engagement present. There was a fall-out because she didn't want me to marry my FI... she didn't even know him! She met him at her wedding, and then tried to convince me that I was making a bad choice. At that point, I told her off... in the nicest way possible of course. (Even though I wanted to tell her to go where the sun don't shine...)

Anyways... since then it's like she's punishing me... well, news flash for her: she's the one losing out.


Dana, so sorry to hear about the dress fitting! That's really rude... if you have an appointment, you have an appointment. That's business. Hopefully she gets cracking!


Well... I'm going to buy our plane tickets this week to Cancun! Can't wait! Just 8 months more for me! Eek!

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Hi everyone!


I cant believe how fast time is flying by.


i still havent heard from the RIU WC and its only a little over a month away . i will probably email her on monday if i dont hear from her then. We have about 26-28 people going and i'm super excited. i am a little pissed off though since my FI and i ended up having to pay for his mom and gma to go. paying for his mom fine, but his gma didnt even want to go at first and then they made me put everything on my credit card and i started thinking.. wait dont they have a credit card. mind you  a year ago they dropped a lot of money for his sisters wedding and then havent even offered in anyway to  help for ours. they also just gave his sister a bunch of money as a delayed wedding gift.. and now we have to pay for his gma to come cuz she has no money??? wtf?  and we dont get a wedding gift. UGh just talking about it pisses me off.. especially since she made a whole stink about it to start off with. OH and on top of everything they dont even seem in anyway thankful that we are using our honeymoon money so they can go, kind of like they just expect it. boo. ok enough ranting. i'm excited.

just ordered some chair bows - peakcock blue, so if any of you ladies would like to buy them from me afterwards let me know. went in for my final dress fitting and that went well.... and yeah other than that i think everything is all set, besides from hearing back from the WC.


hope you all are doing well..... :)



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DreamingofSunshine-You should def email the coordinator, if you need her email I can give it to you. It just seems weird she hasn't emailed you yet since she emailed me two months before. She is really great with getting back to me to, although I'm vary lax and have only emailed her maybe one time to ask a question. Also, as far as your soon to be inlaws maybe they are going to give you a gift. I have been bitter at my parents for the last year b/c they didn't offer me a penny for the wedding or my dress or anything. Well last week my mom announced as a gift they are giving a big chunk of cash (it will pay for a large portion of the wedding/reception) and now I feel guilty that I was thinking that way. So cross your fingers......


Virginia-I am on facebook, I think you have my last name since I emailed you. If not I'll pm it to you. I've been working on my planning thread all along and have all the pics saved in photobucket so I have half day friday and hoping to post it then.


I can't believe I leave in 4 days! I feel so prepared that I'm nervous what I am forgetting!

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Originally Posted by dana View Post


I can't believe I leave in 4 days! I feel so prepared that I'm nervous what I am forgetting!


WOW...... Its so so close, you probably wont have forgotten anything BUT even if you do it wont be anything that matters (much) as im sure your day will be perfect :-) x I am so excited for you!!! Look foward to your plannin thread, they are one on my fave parts on the forum x


Can i be cheeky and add you on FB as i would also like to see the pix ASAP? :-) if so you will find me on Virginias FB if you your ok with adding me? Nicola Bates.





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Nicola-I requested you as a friend.


I'm not promising posting pictures right away on facebook. We are going to gone for two weeks and I'm not taking the computer with me...for sanity purposes of course.


So I got an email from the wedding coordinator wanting to know how I want the tables. I was going to leave it casual and do open seating, but now my mom and sister said that is a bad idea. What are your opinions? This gives me 2 days to get place settings done.

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