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Wow 5.4 lbs in a week! That's great.


Nic - your niece is adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics. I saw some more on your facebook page - absolutely beautiful.


Dana - $621.00?!?!?!?!?!? Seriously? What the heck were they trying to sell you for over $600 dollars!!!!! OMG. That's actually comical.

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thanks vlvetter :), i actually feel healthier too!


Dana- I have not talked to the wedding coordinator yet, and hoping to get earlier. But am preparing myself for worse case scenario.... I am just under 2 months away form the wedding and have not heard from her yet... I am thinking I give her 1 more week until I contact her.

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Linds- it is called the "La Bamba Program"... It is through Herbalife. I don't know about elsewhere, but Minnesota has really been hit by the herbalife shake craze (lots of nutrition clubs have opened up across the state that sell their products). My mom got into herbalife and had done this La Bamba 3-day program, so that is where I heard of it. I am sure you could google it and find out more info though.

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Virginia-OMG you don't even know. The sad part is she really didn't try to get me to buy anything special. I did buy some make-up brushes so they are expensive. I use Bobby Brown make-up everyday, but alot of the colors I use were wrong so I had to buy new ones.


Jen-I would email her, she emailed me exactly 2 months before my wedding. I just emailed her last night and she already replied to me this morning so she probably won't mind.

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Hey all, yes I am having 70 people at the Riu Palace Riviera Maya.  $20 per person for the private dinner, i think i knew that...does that come with a DJ?  I assume we will have the later seating, but I will totally pay more to have the earlier dinner--especially if we just end up taking over chili's.  I don't need a sit down dinner--the buffet is just fine. 


We will most likely end up also paying extra for food for a cocktail hour/s since we will have many hours in between the wedding and the dinner...


so much to think about.  i am just ready to start talking to the wedding folks at the hotel so i can get everything sorted out!!



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I know I'm responding late but I relate so much to your troubles with your friend and money. And her emailing your sister.... I'm sure that she knew eventually that email was going to get back to you and she just acts like she doesn't care if you know how she feels, probably wanted you to know. I have realized by having this wedding in Mexico that there are definetly some people saying to each other "I can't believe she is asking us to spend this much to go to her wedding... she better appreciate it!" and even though no one has said it to my face I have felt tension between my best friends who I see every weekend. I even felt so guilty that I decided to offer to pay for some of their trip so no one would be mad at me, and so I'd have friends at my side on my wedding day! I dont know if that was a good idea or not but I just didn't want to feel so guilty anymore. Anyway, I say that there are going to be those people probably in most groups and I think its best not to let them ruin anything. It will be a beautiful wedding and you will be glad you did it this way! I hope you still decided to do the catamaran, that sounds awesome. Btw, do you know how much renting that costs??


Anyway I know your wedding is soon so have a blast! Can't wait to hear about it.

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Jenna-If you pay for the private reception which is sounds like you intend to do you automatically get the time of 7-11pm. You have to pay add'l for the DJ which is $1200. We aren't doing the appetizers b/c the only package I liked was about $15/person and if people are hungry they can run into the buffet and grab a snack after all we are at an all inclusive. I didn't get an option for a buffet at chili's,just the sit down meal.


SCarp-Thanks! I know I'm over it now, but I'm cleansing myself of selfish friends once this wedding is over. As for your situation, don't feel obligated to pay for people. If people really want to come to your wedding they will come and you can't worry about it. I am really fortunate that most of my friends and family are coming, but my FI is the opposite and only a few of his are. We aren't doing the boat anymore, but I don't know what we are doing b/c my sister says I'm being a pain in the butt and won't tell me. I don't know exactly how much it cost b/c she wouldn't tell me that either, but I think it was $600 b/c I think it was around $50 a person. It depends alot on how many people you have going.


I had my final dress fitting yesterday and I swear this dress is going to get the best of me. So we get there and my mom, sister and I were all having our final fittings done. Well the shop is closed and the ladies at the dress store across the way said she just left. So they call her and she comes back, she apologizes and says, "I had you in the book but I had a really bad day and so I just left." Okay, she has broken english so I don't know if she had a bad day and forgot I was coming or knew I was coming and just left??? So then it turns out that my dress is done, but she hadn't even started my moms or sisters. Then I put the dress on and I guess b/c she steamed it the bottom of the dress lays different. I sent my sister pictures in california and she didn't notice the difference so I'm just going to let it be. Maybe it's just the nerves?? I keep telling myself to breathe!

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Oh Dana you poor thing...is this a small tailor shop or is it actually where you bought your dress? Sounds a little unreasonable to me considering you're leaving in what, 5 days or something??? BTW - I love your attitude about cleansing yourself of selfish friends! I think that's perfect.


Looking for unique ideas for groomsmen gifts...anyone have any suggestions? My initial plans were either 1) a nice money clip with like a crisp $100 bill in it (or something) or 2) a professional sports jersey with their own name on it with either baseball or football tickets. My fiance has decided no to both...I'm stumped. The girls are easy - spa or jewelry or something...but guys - they are horrible to buy gifts for!


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