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Jen... 4 months yes maybe you are next!! WHOO WHOO :-)


You will prob have a spurt of wedding buying and have everything done quick once you start again :-)


Yes i found the thread, thanks, i also so a cheaper quote from another website for shipping... only $18 so i think i will go with this and get a few more items aswell... Then i get to keep the starfish too :-) Thanks for the suggestion Jen xoxo

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Maybe I'm next, but I still have 2 1/2 months to go.


I've made more progress in the last few weeks. Fiance has a ring and a suit. Men's Warehouse had a great deal on their linen suits. They were on sale and the second suit was only $100 so it made them only 150.00 a piece.


I have my luggage tags, but I still need to make the inserts for them. I have a lot of work to do, but I work best under the wire. Procrastination!

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Iâ€ve been a total loser lately and SUPER busy…just enough time to log in – check what everyone is saying (which is VERY minimal lately) and then log off…but Iâ€m back…JWeâ€re right in the middle of 4 weddings – 3 of which are destination weddings. One was the first weekend in August, one is this coming weekend and another is the last weekend in August. Then we have one in September – but luckily that one is local and will involve no traveling!


Weâ€re about 8 months out now and have a lot done but still so much more to do. Dana - we also just got Joeâ€s suit at Menâ€s Warehouse – a Calvin Klein, tan linen suit for an amazing price! He got his ring this past week too.


Weâ€re starting to settle on ideas for our OOT bags but are finding it hard to actually buy them because we have no idea how many guests weâ€ll end up with. We just had our first guest book (one of my bridesmaids and her husband) and our TA has received a bunch of inquiries just this past week for bookings. I think a lot of our friends/family are waiting for some of these other weddings to pass. Regardless of how many we end up with (10 or 100) I will be so happy! Just would be helpful to know…and of course if I ask my guests they all say they are coming – which we know will never happen.


Anyhow, Iâ€ve missed catching up with you all. Itâ€s a shame this thread is getting so quiet because there is so much to talk about! Iâ€ve been keeping up to speed with some of you via facebook but miss you all here! Letâ€s try to keep this going!!! Christy will be back in a couple weeks with some fun pictures and advice for us! Canâ€t wait.




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Vlvetter-We got the same suit, we actually need to go pick that up.


I ordered plastic luggage tags and I am making an insert for them and sending one to each guest next month with their pre travel brochure.


I am going to have about 45 of them left over if anyone needs some. They were about 0.50 a piece.

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Ahhh...now the luggage tags make sense. I couldn't figure out why you would give everyone luggage tags as part of the OOT bags - but if you're sending them out beforehand that makes total sense! I would be interested in buying the 45 that you have left over! Can you send me the info (cost, what they look like, etc) at my email? [email protected]


Can you also tell me what you're planning to put in your pre-travel brochures that you're sending?

Originally Posted by dana View Post

Vlvetter-We got the same suit, we actually need to go pick that up.


I ordered plastic luggage tags and I am making an insert for them and sending one to each guest next month with their pre travel brochure.


I am going to have about 45 of them left over if anyone needs some. They were about 0.50 a piece.

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Vlvetter-Sent you the email with the information.


I started working on the brochure this week. I included weather info, wedding activity info, things to pack, navigating the airport, information about transfers to the airport, wedding attire info. I'm doing it on Vistaprint, but I'll try to send it to you when I'm done. I basically searched brochure on this site and borrowed everyone elses ideas! That is why this site is so great.

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I got the email. Thanks Dana! When you figure out how many you will have just let me know! Guess I need to figure out this new layout so I can start searching for ideas...if you'd be willing to show me your final version that would be great!


Did everyone see Samira's pictures on facebook? Her professional pictures were just posed recently. Absolutely amazing.

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