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Big Brother 10 *Chat Thread*


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Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes View Post
also, how is it that michelle is now suddenly OK with that group? she was a power hungry-witch last week. now, she's everyone's bff. say this for the girl - she's pretty smooth.
That was a little weird how michelle is with them now. I don't like her at all still.

Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
I actually rather see Jerry up than Ollie. I can not stand Jerry. And yeah, totally creepy that he kept following them around. How annoying!

Michelle annoys the crap out of me. I wish she would go home already. Everything about her bugs me. She's such a fake.

Renny was getting a little crazy-eyed when she was telling Keesha how she doesn't trust Memphis.

It's so sad how I eagerly await the 3 days a week Big Brother is on. It's some sort of sick addiction I have!
I'm glad to see Jerry up there too. Especially after calling Dan Judas. If nominations stay the same, i'll be fine with whomever goes home.
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I like the nominations right now! I can't stand April, she looked like she was going to cry as her key wasn't being pulled out of the box, and then says she is surprised because she is such a nice person!? I haven't seen that side of her yet. Jerry was totally being creepy following them around. Ewww! I think he realizes that he has no one else now since he burnt bridges with everyone else. What was up with Michelle too. I was trying to figure that out! Suddenly she is all buddy-buddy with everyone she was gunning for last week. Maybe it has something to do with Memphis getting along with them. Hmmm.....stilll!

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it was creepy that jerry kept following them around - but i also thought it was a bit creepy that april was straddling ollie in bed ... ON NATIONAL TV. their PDA makes me a little ill.


seriously, would you like the who world watch you lay on top of some guy you just met 38 days before ...


she's a piece of work.

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I love the nominations this week! April is crazy... I mean too pretty.... I mean too nice!!! I really hope that she goes home this week! I like Jerry being up there too because I do not like him. I think it will be easy to get Ollie out of the house once April is gone because he has no game.


I think it would be great if they had a fast forward this week on Thursday, where they play a whole week in just that one hour!


I am still not too sure who is going to be left standing at the end. I am thinking Dan and Memphis.



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If April is evicted, I'm really curious to see how much Julie Chen will reveal to her about what America knows about her. She thinks America loves her and thinks she's a nice person. She also doesn't seem to have a clue that everyone has watched her sex Ollie up all season. I think she will be mortified!


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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
I think definitely April for sure. Not too sure on the second person she'll put up.

My favorite part of last night's epi. April saying that Keesha is jealous of her because she's prettier.

Yeah, April... that totally must be it. You are soooo much prettier. doh.gif
I only wish that I was as pretty and as nice as April. Haha!!!! Seriously though, she is so mean. I hate it how she is a total cow and backstabbing everyone then once Julie calls her into the diary room she's all sweet and innocent. Ugh, can't wait to see her go home tonight. I also can't wait to see who wins HoH. I hope Memphis or Dan.

I'm team Keesha/ team Dan/ starting to turn into a team Memphis member too.

I seriously think that Ollie will fall apart once April is gone. He doesn't have any game play and is just ridding on April, or as Dan puts it "hiding behind her blonde hair." I think that Reeny may have made her alliance question her loyalty this week. Michelle I don't mind- I can see why she is with the other group right now. She was originally alligned with Memphis and I think that her and Keesha are buds.
I feel kind of sorry for Jerry because he's so old-school and doesn't fit in, but what he called Dan was totally uncalled for. That was just mean, he should be embarrassed by his actions. He is not someone though that I'm cheering for.

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