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Big Brother 10 *Chat Thread*


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The episode from Tuesday night was great! Jessie is annoying but I think I want him to stick around for a little while. He provides great drama!


My favorite HG is Dan, but I am not sure if he is really smart at playing this game or if he has no idea what he is doing! I have grown to like Renny too.


I can't wait for tonight to see who is going home!



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The HG were on Craig Ferguson lastnight and he was commenting to Jesse about being nominated again. He was going to ask April and Ollie about the 'free porn' they are providing to everyone online but Julie Chen said that if he did ask about that, they might not do it anymore, so he ripped up the email asking him to ask them. LOL. Then he commented on the earthquake and since they aren't allowed to know anything that is happening outside of the BB house, so they polled the HG to see how many thought it was a real earthquake and how many thought it was CBS playing a trick on them. 4 people thought it was real, and the rest thought it was CBS!!! LMAO

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OMG i am so glad to see Jesse out - he was such an arrogant jerk - couldn't stand him!!!


i was SUPER bummed to see that curly haired red leotard chick win HOH - she is a toolbox - i can't stand that whole alliance - well Ollie isn't bad.


i hope there is a major upset and some serious manipulating b/c i would love to see Jerry go!

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I was laughing about Jerry being a jacka## too!! I mean if Libra would have won I don't think he would have been so cocky. He annoys me. To tell you the truth I'm not a big fan of Keesha like everyone else is. Her whiny voice annoys me! She is ok but I can't stand it when she throws her tantrums.


I think I like Dan too. First off he seems like a decent guy..and the fact that he's from MI too!! haha Glad Jesse is gone but was hoping to see a little more drama from him...he seemed to always be sleeping though lately so that's boring to me.


I wonder who Michelle will nominate?? I hope not Dan but they know he was the traitor....

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