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Big Brother 10 *Chat Thread*


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OMG Dan is really funny - did you ever notice how when he goes into the confessional - he screams at the camera? that is insane


and that weird - say this person's name game - STUPID and pointless - i agree with jessica - he was a dick about it.


with all being said - i am glad Michelle is on the block - she gets on my nerves - i hope that she goes home and then Ollie with the double elimination - then Ollie, Michelle and blondie can all plot and hang out in the jury house - hahahahahaha

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Do you guys ever go to onlinebigbrother.com? It is a blow-by-blow of what goes on in the house. I can't stand Ollie, Michelle & Jerry after reading the crap that comes out of their mouths. Michelle is total WT. Gross.


She'll most likely go home this week - and then I think that, barring Ollie winning HOH, he'll go home. He's been nuts - trashing the BB House - and making everyone feel uncomfortable.


Dan did go back on his deal, but its BB - the point of the game is not honesty and transparency!

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OMG. I totally forgot about that site. Damn! I try and scroll past the spoilers real fast on there. I love it though.


I also hope Michelle goes. She's always flipping out in the confessional thinking she's in the midst of some conspiracy theory against her. Yes, Michelle, Big Brother is set up specifically to make your life hell. She's so obnoxious.


I just wonder if Dan makes it to the end, how many people will actually vote his way after all this?

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