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Big Brother 10 *Chat Thread*


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I think definitely April for sure. Not too sure on the second person she'll put up.


My favorite part of last night's epi. April saying that Keesha is jealous of her because she's prettier.


Yeah, April... that totally must be it. You are soooo much prettier. doh.gif

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
My favorite part of last night's epi. April saying that Keesha is jealous of her because she's prettier.

Yeah, April... that totally must be it. You are soooo much prettier. doh.gif
OMG I know! I almost peed myself when she said that!! HAHAHA!!!

I was like okaaaaaaaay! Whateva!

I was so happy Renny won! She had a rough first couple of days (hello Freakin losebag Jesse) but she's been flying under the radar, and I'm happy she'll get a letter from home. Hopefully she'll have a mind of her own and actually put some good people up for eviction.
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So what did you girls think about the nominations? I knew April was a definate. I really thought for a minute she was going to put memphis up there, that would of been so stupid. Renny is really enjoying being HOH. I think the power might of been going to her head. lol


How creepy was Jerry last night following April and Ollie into the bedroom...

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i love the nominations! i hope someone takes jerry down and then she puts ollie up!


also, how is it that michelle is now suddenly OK with that group? she was a power hungry-witch last week. now, she's everyone's bff. say this for the girl - she's pretty smooth.


also, i kind of like the way renny is conducting her hoh. she's basically interviewed people and got promises - nice!

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I actually rather see Jerry up than Ollie. I can not stand Jerry. And yeah, totally creepy that he kept following them around. How annoying!


Michelle annoys the crap out of me. I wish she would go home already. Everything about her bugs me. She's such a fake.


Renny was getting a little crazy-eyed when she was telling Keesha how she doesn't trust Memphis.


It's so sad how I eagerly await the 3 days a week Big Brother is on. It's some sort of sick addiction I have!

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