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What to tell guests about "arriving in Mexico"

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I am working on my pre-travel book for guests comming to my wedding. Lots of people have not travelled before ... so I want to include a section on "Arriving In Mexico", so sort of a what to expect.


Has anyone done this? (examples?)


Do you have to pay for a touist/visa card?

Does it take a long time in the airport?

Are people bugging you about anything / anyone to be aware of? (ie: people trying to carry your bags for money)?



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There are definitely examples on the forum. I know that a few girls have done very comprehensive pre-travel booklets.

For us, we'll have to have a few q&a's on:

1) organizing travel from the airport to the hotel (as it's not provided)

2) tourist visas (what they are, where you get them)

3) weather and currency

4) maps


Do a search on travel booklets. I'm sure you'll come up with some. Or some more girls will pipe in!

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When you get through customs, it is very overwhelming...there are people everywhere trying to take your luggage, get you a ride, sell you a time-share...and your guests have to be focused to find their accurate ride (ie - the fun jet guys wear white pants and blue shirts...but some of the other guys dress like fun-jet just to trick you) - i am very nervous, that the non-savvy travellers in my group are going to get mixed up and beleive these offers of their "help" for rides and stuff. It's VERY IMPORTANT for your guests to know who their ride is and stay focused on finding only that company.

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another member, Mandy (well mandy's mom made it, her user name is MelanieS), had an awesome welcome book and she got married at EDR - you should check hers out, melanie posted the template if you havent already seen it.

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Navigating the Cancun Airport


When you arrive at the Cancun International Airport, your first stop will be immigration. Look for overhead signs leading you to the lower level. You will need to make your way downstairs. The lines can get very long here but generally move quickly. In order to speed the process, have all of your documents in hand. You must provide your completed tourist card which you should have received on the plane. The immigration agents will review your tourist card, stamp it, keep a copy for their records, and then give a copy back to you. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO KEEP THIS COPY IN A SAFE PLACE, AS YOU WILL NEED IT AND YOUR PASSPORT TO EXIT MEXICO.


Your next stop will be baggage claim. The Cancun airport does have baggage carousels, but they are small and there are not enough to handle the amount of luggage coming through. After a few rounds on the carousel, luggage is cleared into a central area, usually on the floor next to the carousels. You should look for your luggage on both carousels and on the floor around them.Once you have your bags, head to customs. You should be able to see the customs line through the glass windows. You are almost done.During the inbound flight, you will receive and need to fill out a customs form. You will hand the form to the customs agent and press the button on what looks like a traffic light. A green light means “go” and red means “inspection” in which case, officials perform a quick inspection of your luggage.


After you get through customs, proceed through sliding doors. Be aware that between customs and the exit the hallway will be filled with timeshare solicitors. Keep your head down keep walking, and repeat “No, Gracias” until you reach the area that holds the vans and busses.


Once you are outside on the sidewalk, look for the Lomas representatives. They will have on white pants, brightly-colored aqua shirts, white ties and signs that say Lomas. You will be transported to the hotel in a van. This ride should take approximately half an hour. Check in time is not until 3 p.m. Your luggage will be delivered to your room. While you are waiting, you can enjoy the restaurants, beach, pool, or explore other parts of the hotel.

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This is going to be short and sweet. Don't bring anything too "personal" with you, interperate that however you like wink.gif After you get off the plane like many said you will get walk through a check point with a traffic sign; you walk up and press a button, and if it's green your good, if it's red, ya... they will rip apart your luggage in front of everyone in the airport.


Also, try not to draw attention to yourself. I actually got the green light, but was wearing army coloured cargo pants from bluenotes lol... lets just say they didn't like the way I looked and ripped apart everypart of my luggage infront of the whole airport, luckily i took my own advice and didn't take any embarassing persay. Key is just to blend in with everyother tourist and not direct traffic towards yourself.


Short of that, it is pretty good. OH one other thing, when you get on that bus that is going to drive you from the airport to your resort, if they offer you a Corona, they will most likely make it seem like it's on the house, it isn't and is most likely going to cost you 3 bucks US. Not a big deal, but make sure you have some cash on-hand.


cheers wink.gif


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