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Engagement almost ruined!!!

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For some, an extravagant proposal is ideal but for us humor was what mattered most. It was a very surprising but wonderful birthday gift. Tyson, my fiance was super sweet and romantic when he did it. We were down at the Beach in Delaware and it was the day after my birthday. I wasn't suspecting a thing and it seemed perfectly normal for him to want to go to the waters edge to see the full moon rise at high tide. We are from New Mexico and he has only been to the beach two other times. I was preoccupied with trying to get a picture of the moon and waves so I didn't think twice when he said he found a shell in the water. I looked at it and quickly dismissed it as a nice find. Tyson handed it to me to show me that it was actually a closed clam. I thought I felt something move inside it and thinking it was alive I threw it back into the water. Luckily, Tyson dove just in time to get it back out before the wave receded. He then said he was going to crack it open. I protested thinking it would break the shell, because at this point it was still just a clam in my mind. He broke it open and handed it to me but I still didn't get it. He had put flower petals inside and since I got it wet they looked like the flesh of a clam and hid the ring. It took him getting on one knee before I realized what was really going on. It was only after he proposed and put the ring on my finger that I remembered I almost ruined the whole thing by throwing it into the ocean! We had a good laugh. This scenario is pretty typical of us, I use to joke about how we were like that couple in the commercial who accidentally ruins the ring in the garbage disposal.

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That was a very sweet thing he did, and I am so glad for that the ring wasn't washed out. I probably would have done the samething! It is a cute story that you will always have to share with everyone and that yo ucan laugh about!

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