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Hi everyone,

I found a girl out of MN on craigslist who is doing my invitations (125 invites) for $250! I thought that was a steal, and will save me the stress of making them on my own! If any of you want her info. let me know. She is very quick to respond, and very professional. I didn't like the first round of invites that she made, and she was very understanding and started over again. I am the most non crafty person EVER..so she has come to my rescue!!


Today she sent me the 1st draft of the invites that we are going to use, i AM SO EXCITED!! cheer2.gifWe are changing our resort, so obviously the information on our invites will change. But I feel like something is missing. Not sure if I like the outside border being white..I was thinkng she could use either the teal or chartreuse for the border. Also, not sure if I am a big fan of the fonts she used. She has our names in a plain times new roman font, and I'm not sure of which font the rest of the wording is in. Also do you think it would be tacky if I asked her to place just a few green little jewels on the designs in the corners??

Also, do you think the wording sounds weird??



<a href="http://s332.photobucket.com/albums/m344/ericaandsy/?action=view&current=1stdraftinvite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i332.photobucket.com/albums/m344/ericaandsy/1stdraftinvite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<a href="http://s332.photobucket.com/albums/m344/ericaandsy/?action=view&current=ersvinvite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i332.photobucket.com/albums/m344/ericaandsy/ersvinvite.jpg" border="0" alt="1st draft invite"></a>

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I like those a lot!


I actually like the outside border in white. They look clean.


And with the aqua ribbon, I don't know that you'll want anything other than something that matches, anyway.

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I really like them! I know you probably think they look a little plain but b/c they will come wrapped in the ribbon it looks cleaner this way. Also I know the wording sounds weird but I have been invited to many weddings with the same wording. Believe it or not it sounds really pretty. I don't know what the font looks like on your names but why don't you just ask her to change it? It may look more elegant with the scripty font she used. It looks like she may have used CHOPIN SCRIPT or something like that.

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I think those are beautiful. I think it looks best to have the names in a neutral font to pop against the script text.


Another question, I noticed a lot of you are getting married at Dreams Cancun, any input on how you came to chose that resort? We are looking at the Palladium Riviera Maya right now, but are running into some challenges on the room block. They want us to pay for all the rooms and get reimbursed from the guests, which is super tacky. Any advise?

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