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UGG!! I want Bride'sMen...

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Originally Posted by ashrose View Post

I don't know if I'd trust the boys to throw me a bridal shower or a bachlorette party. I mean... we would probably end up drinking bad coffee and playing Settlers... when I would much rather go waltzing or on a sailboat.
I don't envy your situation at all. I can definitely understand how hard it is to come by really good girl friends.

On the other hand, a night of playing Settlers with the boys sounds terrific to me!!!

My family just bought the Cities and Knights expansion pack, and I'm dying to find someone out there who actually knows how to play it! (I am officially a geek, I know it)
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And you don't even really need bridesmaids or groomsmen if it doesn't workout the way you want it to! We decided against it. But if you do want a bridal party bridesmen would be just fine!


There is a lot of give and take with a destination wedding. A bunch of our family and good friends aren't coming because of the cost and we expected that going into it. And a few that are coming haven't quit mentioning the price for the past year we've had this planned! You can all imagine how fun it is to be complained to about the cost of attending your own wedding...argh.


So, you just have to do what makes you happy! And don't let anyone's opinions on anything you choose to do ruin your time. Whatever you decide, will be wonderful!

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Whatever you want. That's the golden rule. :)


I'm not a traditionalist really so even if I was having a "HOME" wedding I would still do whatever we wanted. I just don't think it's right to fit a circle in a square peg. If it doesn't feel right, why do it just for the sake of being "normal?"


So whether you have groom's men or noone at all, do whatever your little heart desires. This is about celebrating love and commitment. All other details don't compare. :)

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Thanks so much everyone!!


Originally Posted by Pug3636 View Post
You can all imagine how fun it is to be complained to about the cost of attending your own wedding...argh.


So, you just have to do what makes you happy! And don't let anyone's opinions on anything you choose to do ruin your time. Whatever you decide, will be wonderful!


...yeah, we havent sent out are STDs yet, but have casually brought it up with the "most important" folks... and I am getting lots of complaints. When I get complaints, I remind them that I am buying 8 plane tickets and paying for 5 different hotel rooms for at least 3 nights (me/fi/pastor/pastor wife/photog and assistant/videogog and assistant) in addition to paying for all the wedding related expenses.


Aye. If only I had a million dollars...


or if my BDW points could buy me free nights at the hotel.

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Originally Posted by ashrose View Post
Ok. I have a great idea.

Anyone want practice being in a wedding?

Now hiring bridesmaids! Come to Seattle, come to Cancun.
i'll come to cancun wink.gif, but can't come to seattle to throw you a shower/bachelorette party sad.gif

you could have honorary bridesmaids - they can throw you a shower, and do the bachelorette party, and if they come to cancun, great! if not, eh, whatever. if you'd rather have bridesmen, go for it! it's your wedding. do whatever you want. change your mind a million times. it doesn't matter because it's your wedding.
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Originally Posted by ashrose View Post
...yeah, we havent sent out are STDs yet, but have casually brought it up with the "most important" folks... and I am getting lots of complaints. When I get complaints, I remind them that I am buying 8 plane tickets and paying for 5 different hotel rooms for at least 3 nights (me/fi/pastor/pastor wife/photog and assistant/videogog and assistant) in addition to paying for all the wedding related expenses.
It's really hard. I know how you feel - at this point, I wouldn't besurprised at all if none of my friends or FI's friends come to our wedding frown.gif
It amazes me whenever I see fellow BDW Brides in their siggies showing upwards of 50 guests.
I think we may have 15 if we're lucky. We wanted a small wedding, but it really hurts not having any friends at all attend.

I know in the end, all we need is eachother and some family.
Don't let it get you too down.
I decided to ask my 2 sisters to be my bridesmaids/maids of honour because they were the only people who frmo the very beginning have been nothing but excited and happy for us to have a DW.

Good luck with your planning. Maybe more people will come in the end? You can wait til you have a better idea before deciding on a bridal party. Or maybe just decide not to have one at all?
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His sisters really want to be my bride's maids... but they've been really mean to me from the beginning (long long story... I went on one date with FI's oldest sister's husband BEFORE they got together... and I've been a 'immoral' woman ever since)...


It is starting to get better, but not where I would consider all three of them any close to me.


I think I'll take the liberty to change my mind a million and five times. I've got time. :)

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