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Inviting co-workers...

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I work for a small public radio station with only about 25 employees. It is a very relaxing, laid-back environment so we tend to know pretty much everything about everyone. I really like the folks I work with, but I'm not sure what to do about inviting them to my DW.


The whole point of doing a DW, for us, was to keep it VERY small, having only our best friends and close family there with us. But like I said before, my co-workers, especially those in my department know everything about my wedding and always want to be updated on planning and stuff.


I don't want to hurt their feelings by not inviting any of them. I don't want to invite the ones I am closer to and hurt the others. I don't want to have a million people at my wedding.




You girls are so good at all this...any advice??

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Honestly, I cannot imagine a coworker getting his or her feelings hurt for not being invited to a DW. Do you guys regularly go on vacation together?


I can understand a little hurt feelings if you weren't having a DW. I would just emphasize why you chose a DW (small, intimitate, cost, etc.) and people should understand. Are you having an AHR? That is the perfect place for coworkers!

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I work in an ER with 8 other docs and 15 nurses or so... we are all very close at work, and they all helped me with decisions about my DW, but I only invited 1 person I work with - we've been friends since med school. I told everyone that we were only inviting family and very close firends. I don't think that anyone was offended. They totally understood, still wanted to know all about my wedding, threw me a shower at work, and I never heard a complaint.

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I wouldn't worry about insulting co-workers. I used to work in an office with about 25 people and when someone got married, I wasn't expecting to be invited. An AHR will solve your problem. We're going to have a big BBQ when we get back to celebrate with everyone.

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I invited a handful of people that i work with: 2 women that i work in a group with and my boss becuase he has been very suportive of Dean & I throughout our relationship. I am very good friends with 2 others, but I don't think anyone else will be offended. We don;t hang out outside the office.

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