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What kind of high fiber cereal do you eat?


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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Oprah's dude- Bob Green recommended Kashi as a great cereal. I don't know the fiber amounts in it though.
oh, believe me Kashi Go Lean Crunch has fiber......my body can attest to that! smile41.gif

And i try to eat a Fiber One granola bar each day. it gets things moving & tastes yummy!
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I eat Fiber One, Kashi Go Lean or All-Bran with extra fiber.


They are great because you get filled up and there are only 60 calories per serving! Some of the Kashi cereals are too sweet for me, I can't do that much sugar/maple/honey in the morning.

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I've had the Smart Start before (but I liked to call it Fart Start..hee hee) I like frosted mini wheats 6 grams of fiber. It has more sugar than some I'm sure. I like the kashi go lean ones too. I usually have one of the individual bowls for breakfast every day with fresh fruit (banana, blueberries,etc) It usually keeps me really full until lunch time.

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