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Do you have a FI that now has a opinion?

Kelly C

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He tried complaining about the money I'm spending. A while ago. I told him fine then lets go to the court house get married and order a keg of beer and he can have his friends over to celebrate. I was just trying to make it a nice wedding.

Haven't heard a word from him sense on that subject.

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Originally Posted by Kelly C View Post
He tried complaining about the money I'm spending. A while ago. I told him fine then lets go to the court house get married and order a keg of beer and he can have his friends over to celebrate. I was just trying to make it a nice wedding.
Haven't heard a word from him sense on that subject.
I've given the SAME 'option' to my FI! He literally invites every shmo we might happen to know and I'm like-- HEY, we have to pay per person and you're the one who wants to be all cheap and save money. So he thinks we should only have the dinner before the reception be for family and bridal party (which is a huge amount of people in itself) and I'm like NO WAY. If we're 'inviting' people to come to Mexico, we can buy them dinner. And if they don't make the dinner 'cut' then they shouldn't be invited. I wanted a SMALL, destination wedding and we're up to like 60 people and counting! He doesn't want to have to slash and cut people from our guest list so that is where our 'visions' differ significantly. I'm just holding out til it gets closer and we have a true idea of who will really come.

All you ladies who have FI's who are in to every detail-- I can't even fathom?! smile35.gif
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My DH was involved in wedding planning only when it came to being negative and cheap.


I had to FIGHT for 1 1/2 years to get him to wear a tux for the cermony (not reception, just the ceremony).


Anything that cost any money was ney-sayd from the get go. Our videographer is still a going joke around our friends and family. When I booked the videographer and told DH that it was going to be like $900 he just lost it on me. He didn't see why we needed one as that's what the guests were for and besides for that kind of money he could buy two cameras and hire two locals for 6 hours to video everything. As you can imagine that was a fun night at our house!


At the end of the wedding he turned to me and said "you see, our wedding was the simplest, stressless, least planning experience ever". Thank god my BF and MOH led me away from him very very quickly because things could have turned very ugly then.


All I can say to you ladies is that involving your FI is a giant mistake. Don't tell them what's happening, where its happening and how much things cost. I always say that our wedding planning would have been a dream if he wasn't involved in it.

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I think at first they aren't really into planning and then they suddenly realize that you aren't getting married by yourself, and that they will actually be a part of everythingsmile35.gif What a concept heh? LOL I asked Bo last night if he would be "in-charge" of what he is wearing, what the GMs are wearing, and the gifts for the GMs. Now he feels like he has his own little part in it and it's one less thing for me to do. I can see myself trying to track down his brothers in MN and asking them what kind of fabric they want to wear and what size they are.....Not......Maybe you could "assign" your FI a wedding job too! Men are toooo funny!

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Paul kept asking when are we going to go get his clothes. Soooo we did. OMG!!! I bring him a couple of outfits to try and already started complaining. "I don't like trying on clothes. I was like you were just crying you wanted your outfit". So shuush! They don't know what they want.

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Originally Posted by Samantha S View Post
We pretty much only argue over who to invite, he invites everyone with pants on and it is driving me INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sign5.gif
At least he's keeping it people who wear pants - mine keeps asking people I can't be sure will wear pants!
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