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started Bootcamp


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Today was my first day of bootcamp. We meet at the local beach/track and field at 5:30 am and run, push up sit up and kettle ball our way into shape. I have always kept active (sort of) I am always doing yoga or pilates or dancing... I don't think I have run around a track though in 18 years (OMG)

I am proud to say I lasted the 12 mintues required of us today, although I couldn't do a sit up to save my life. One of my team mates coudn't believe it. She kept saying "what do you mean you didn't do any?? Not even one?? Well I can't mark that" I felt like crying, but i kept it together and said, "well I know what I need to work on" and "I can only get better from here" SHe wasn't very supportive. I do have to say that I could crunch my way into tomorrow, just not full sit up. My goal is to be able to do one by the end of the week. And maybe by the end of the camp I can keep up with them.

Just though I would share and see how others are doing at their exercise programs?

Is ther one thing that you can't do no matter how hard you try?


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Good for you! What always got me when I did a bootcamp was continuous push ups. No matter how string I get I eventually have to drop down to "girl push ups".


Don't you just love those unsupportive people? I will bet money that you will be able to out sit-up her by the end.

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Good for you!! Full situps get easier if you practice soon you'll be doing them better than that unsupporative girl.

I really want to try bootcamp but I am just not that dedicated to working out and I'm kinda lazy but I work 2 jobs one of which is very physical so that might be wht I just want to lay on the couch when get home.

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  • 6 months later...

Bootcamp words to live by "IF YOU THINK YOU'RE STRONG YOU'LL BE STRONG"


It's more mental than anything. Take the pain and fight it, sometimes getting angry helps. Don't be shy "Grunt, scream, cry...whatever gets you though it"


You'll find everytime you do another class you'll be able to do a little more and last a little longer!!!


Good Luck and Don't Give Up!

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