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What do you know about the Mayan Wedding Ceremony???

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Well like many other Catholic brides, I have always wanted the "on the beach" wedding but because of the church's rules, having a Catholic ceremony on the beach is not going to happen. So my parents are considering flying down a priest who is friend of the family to at least bless our union.


Now, during our site visit to Akumal about a week ago, our coordinator asked us to consider a Mayan ceremony because it offers a very spiritual experience for everyone involved.


I saw some pics of Mayan ceremonies and at first it all seemed kind of "too foreign" and different for me, but after getting an explanation of what actually happens I'm actually intrigued and considering it. While my parents are all for it because of the spiritual aspect, I just don't want FI's family and friends to think it's ....weird (for lack of a better word. Sorry, if I offended anyone!)


Does anyone have info or insight on the Mayan ceremony? Or, have actually had one or attended one? If so, what is it like?


Thanks in advance!!! smile03.gif

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Are you getting married at GBP? If so, it's a new ceremony and no one from here has done it yet because they are not offering it until October or November (I think). If you search for bahia using the search button at the top right of this page, go towards the end of the thread and someone mentions it.


I can't tell you what page it is on, because I have my page settings set to show me 30 posts per thread before it goes to a new page and some people have it set to only 10....dos that make sense? ha!

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Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Are you getting married at GBP? If so, it's a new ceremony and no one from here has done it yet because they are not offering it until October or November (I think). If you search for bahia using the search button at the top right of this page, go towards the end of the thread and someone mentions it.

I can't tell you what page it is on, because I have my page settings set to show me 30 posts per thread before it goes to a new page and some people have it set to only 10....dos that make sense? ha!
Hey Martha! No I'm not a GBP bride, I'm actually having a non-resort wedding and getting married on Akumal Bay at Las Casitas Beach and having the reception catered at the CEA Center.

BUT, I did find the post you were talking about (with a little patience and searching hehehe) and the Mayan Ceremony description at GBP does sound like similar to what was explained to me with the shaman overseeing the event. Also the tributes to the different aspects of nature, us having to pick different people to have roles in the ceremony (for example our fathers for "protection", mothers for "guidance", etc.). And apparently all the guests have instruments (things that make noise like drums, maracas) that they will play periodically and at the end? So it's very interactive and then we do our own vows, exchange rings and there's even a part where the anyone can speak and give a blessing to us during the ceremony ~ apparently a time when a lot of tears are shed.

So my coordinator says it is extremely spiritual, and very family oriented...and because family means so much to FI and I, I am pretty intrigued by the whole idea......
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Sorry you had to search so much for it...I just didn't know what page it was on.


It does sound pretty great! I would have love to have done that one, but it is new to my resort.


I think by involving everyone like that will make it more spiritual and memorable for everyone involved!

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  • 1 month later...

Here is the answer my wedding coordinator gave me :


The mayan blessing is a traditional , cultural ceremony in which the shaman makes a circle with all guest ( wedding couple in the middle) and requests permission to gods of four elements to bless the union, there are persons with seashell and drums and also there is a translator , this ceremony lastas around 25 minutes..



I haven't find lots of info either...

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Here is one of the responses I got:




The ceremony takes place before the universal energy and consists of presenting the bride and groom to seven directions; up to the superior cosmic energy (masculine), down to the Mother Earth (feminine), to the four winds (north, south, east, west), to the guardians of the location where the ceremony is held, and inside to the center of their own hearts, the temple of love


An altar is made with flowers located at four points and a candle and incense.


Unity of all elements is the central them of cosmic weddings, reflected in everything from the carefully chosen ceremony location to the color of the wedding flowers: yellow for south, red for east, white for north, and violet for west.


The ritual takes place in a circle formed by friends and family, who throw flowers to the ocean. After the presentation, all those present in the circle can come to the center, one by one, to offer a message, song, or poem to the couple.


Later, the couple communicates to each other whatever comes from their hearts or words that they have prepared in advance. If theyâ€d like, this is the time to exchange rings as symbols of their union as well as other symbolic gifts. The ceremony last about 45 minutes, it is very intense and it is in English and has beautiful readings about union and love

I know Sol from Del Sol had a mayan wedding. I will PM her and ask if she wouldn't mind posting on here what took place and her experiences...
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