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Edna girl we miss you! I was thinking about you last week and how come we never hear from you. I'm so sorry to hear the reasoning behind this but I completely understand. Just know we're here for you and any time you need to talk we're just a click away. hug2.gif Please keep us updated on how you're feeling with all your surgeries. Sta strong and be positive girl!

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Thank you very much to all of your thoughts, prayers and good vibes, its hard sometimes thinking after more than 8 years together , living in different cities, you know my history.. we have been in the hardest situations before and now this..


He is the main support ( in all the meanings) for this family, his economic situation has not been good, he has experienced failures in several projects lately, he feels he is not good enough to make me happy, he still have some inner conflicts to solve, now is going to therapy and I am just hoping this help him to clear his mind... but I asked him not forget his heart, he needs to be happy and live his own life... he told me 2 weeks ago when we saw each other that he knew I was the one for his life, he never expected to love me that much, he never felt this way before... but he wants to clear his head and take everything out, before taking a decision.


At this point I don't know how to behave, what to do, what to say, you know I feel like I am lost , a friend suggested me to go to therapy too, so I can stay strong, but don't know.


I asked him to cancel or postpone the wedding, he said no, please wait a little bit... so I am here with all the pressure, missing him and trying to stay in one piece.... sometimes you just want to give up, but I keep trying to be strong for him and for me, try to stay positive and think all day long that everything happens for the best reason.


I am sorry it took me too long, but It was really hard for me, and translate all my feeling in to my not so perfect English sometimes is difficult , but I knew you where there for me, I never forgot it... so here I am... THANK YOU ALL!!!

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Oh Edna,


Just know you have friends. Talking it out helps - even with a professional, there is nothing wrong with that.


I am so sorry. Everything will work out. I am sure! I also plan on meeting up with you when you are in PV - cause we'll still be there! :)


Big Hugs! ~ Celina

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Oh Edna,

First I am so sorry you have to endure yet another surgery. Ugh- that must be so hard. They are never easy. I hope that your health is much improved after it is all said and done.


As for you and Jorge, you have a wonderful attitude. Keep being strong and try not to lose hope. He says you are the love of his life and he just needs some time to be the best for you, then let him have that time. Don't feel bad- he's thinking of you and trying to be the person you deserve. :) I know it's probably so hard but I bet in the end it will be so worth all the heartache. Let us know if we can do anything for you. Most of all, remember we are hear whenever you need to laugh or vent. Best wishes. :)

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