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Gross things I like to eat...


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Originally Posted by KLC77 View Post
omg- my FI would gag if I read him this thread! lol I'd say PB and mayo is pretty gross and I love both of them separately, but what's even grosser than that is Miracle Whip on ANYTHING. YUCKsick.gif
I agree..miracle whip is just plain awful!
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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
Mmm I've never tried ranch & fries!

When I was little I used to eat honey my chicken mcnuggets lol
Okay, chicken mcnuggets and honey is awesome together. I still eat that on the rare occassion that i eat mcnuggets. Ranch and fries are really good together too.

I don't know about the PB & Mayo. that sounds awful but i've never tried it so i can't knock it.
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QUOTE=ashrose;449002]There, see... now I made you feel better!!


When I was in high school I went on a mission trip to Ensenada, Mexico and the staff guys there would make these giant sandwhiches...


One side would have peanut butter and jelly... the other ham/cheese/mayo... then they would SMOOSH the two together.


I tried a bite of it once... there was WAY WAY too much going on in that one.


Tell your DH that you aren't weird at all...


thatswck.gif Ew! It's one or the other...what were they thinking!

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holy crap, how have I not ever seen this thread...I'd fit right in!!


Here's a few of my "weird" food combos that I love:


- Mac & Cheese with a little bit of Clamato juice mixed in


- Cheese sauce (that I make from scratch) with spaghetti


- Fries + spicy mayo (the kind they use on spicy Big Crunches at KFC)


- Maple syrup on sausage, or bacon, or hashbrowns (omg so good, yes I'm strange)


- Peanut butter on apples tastes amazing, seriously


- Ranch dressing on almost anything, it's so versatile!


- Dipping onion rings in plum sauce or bbq sauce


- Chicken noodle soup with a bit of clamato juice mixed in


I'm sure I have many more but that's all I can think of right now...never tried PB and mayo together before, though I enjoy both separately lol.

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Kathy -- Im right there with ya about the maple syrup on bacon, sausage, hash browns.. etc. Soooooo good, but it has to be real Canadian maple syrup -- none of that Aunt Jemima shite.


PB and mayo makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little... Im not really a fan of mayo so there ya go. I used to eat PB and lettuce sandwiches in highschool, but not so much anymore. Im addicted to PB and celery lately.

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