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OMG ... I'll be glad when this AHR is over!

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I think everyone just becomes so exhausted that at some point you just want to relax. I am so glad my wedding is over and it wasn't even a DW. I had to plan everything in literally 3 weeks so I felt super stressed but now I just want to make thank you cards and be done with all of it. LOL.


Don't worry your AHR will be amazing and you will have so much fun (so jealous of rum punch!) and then you will finally be able to relax.


~Carly unfortunately I don't think your going to be able to relax with 300 people and a minister. LOL. Poor Carly. smile35.gif

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Oh wow, was I glad to have my AHR over. It was all going well and pretty much planning itself when AT THE WEDDING, my MIL decided that we just had to have a cake, don't worry about it, she would have her sister make it and she would pay for all the supplies. Big disaster, lots of fights, etc. Anyway, we had the world's ugliest cake, but it was tasty (no, I don't have pics - I couldn't bear to remember it!). I made the restaurant cut it up immediately. But yes, I'm glad it's over.

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Thank goodness for this thread because you all read my mind... So because my Husband and I are from different cities, we originally planned on having 2 seperate AHR...but now that I am over the wedding stuff and ready to get back to normal life...I am really considering canceling any plans. It's kinda too late for the one in Memphis because it is July 26th and his mother has been telling folks and booking places...We never sent out any invitations, it's just a "Come All" if you will... And the one in St. Louis, I think that's a done deal...however my moms feels bad that all my family didn't come to the wedding and that no one helped us pay for anything that she wants to do something special... Well I told her, if it's an option...just give us the money you would have spent and the next time I come to St. Louis, all the family can go out to eat. I just can't see myself doing all this planning and paying for people when we didn't even do all that for the actual wedding... There will be lots of people there who really aren't there to support us and it's all just extra... I thought I was a bad newlywed too... Plus how much gas is, it costs a fortune for us to drive from the top of Indiana to Memphis one weekend (9 hours) and then to St. Louis 2 weeks from then (5 hours.) Plus I am only off every other weekend so 2 weekend in a row are being taken up from me... I still haven't had alot of recovery time from the wedding...


I wish I never brought up the idea of any AHRs...DOG GONE IT!!!

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I did not want an AHR at all, but we're having one now. FI and I talked about it extensively and decided that we would easily spend another $5-10k on a party at home, and then we had the decision of whether to have it in New Orleans or Texas, or both. We decided to not have one. But... his mom was really upset that a lot of people were not invited to the wedding (it would have easily turned into a 200-300 person wedding if we had given in to her) so, instead of having an engagement party she will throw us an AHR in Texas (which will accommodate her friends- which is ok with me). What bugs me is that due to schedules we can't do it until November! We will have been married for two months! I'm ready to be done with the planning now- and I still have 2 months until the wedding.

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I'm so over my WEDDING!!! I'm so sick of speding so much time on wedidng crap!!! I want my life back!


However, I just told this to my MOH - who was just married last december, and she said "Yeah, I was like that too, but once it was over I totally missed it. So enjoy it while you can!"


Good perspective, and I have to keep reminding myself of this advice when I try (for the 100th time) to do my seating chart.

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I get the whole "enjoy it while you can".... but, I'm ready to be in Mexico! I want the beach! Honestly, I'm really ready to be done planning. I feel like as soon as I scratch something off my list, two more things get added. Where does it end?


I really thought I was done spending money a few weeks ago... I was so terribly wrong.

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