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OMG I am so sorry! I was going to say that for his own dad to fire him, there has to be more to the story, but then I saw that you mentioned other "issues" with his dad...so that explains that.


Honestly, everything happens for a reason (this moto has helped me keep my sanity many times). While it might be hard for a while, you said that you can basically support both of you...in the end you guys will be better off.


Hopefully he can take this time to change fields if he hates what he was doing. Or open his own business if he's interested in that (and I like the idea of stealing dads clients). If he regrets not going to school, he can take this time to get a higher degree. Although this door has "closed" it might be that it's "opened" many more for him.


Hang in there, you'll get through it!


You should fryingpan.gif to FIL with a cast iron frying pan!!!

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WTH, Jenn? That is nuts! It's good that you are able to support the both of you, but can you imagine how he must be feeling? That just F'en sucks.


How much of a chance is there that he will get severance pay?


And, what kind of crappy person fires someone because they couldn't do something because the supplies needed were not provided to himhuh.gif

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wow, does his dad suck. i hope all goes well tomorrow. he should go in there with a drafted plan of exactly what he deserves, and demand to speak with only his father - as the business owner, not as his father - and not the other a**hole who works there.

be strong for him, and ask if you need anything...

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That's awful, I'm sure his 9 years experience will count for a lot and he will have another job in no time, although as most have said this is a great opportunity to make changes if that's what he wants. Three months down the line, you think this was the best thing that could have happened.

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Sorry ladies, but you guys are my touchstone sometimes...


My DH was fired yesterday... he's worked for his dad for the past 9 years in the family business, doing everything from office manager, to IT, to marketing. That being said, he didn't go to college so that he could help his dad, so he essentially has a high school education and a lot of office experience, but no degree. Which makes the prospects of a new job very hard.


Now, as I said, he got fired. He has worked there for 9 years, always being promised the brass ring when they finally made a bazillion dollars. He was supposed to be a partner. About 5 months ago, they brought a new guy in who had invested and was going to 'take them where they wanted to go'. Well this guy came in thinking he was the boss. He threw a hissy fit last week because my husband couldn't get some marketing materials printed by Friday, because they didn't get an ink shipment until 6pm ON Friday. Yesterday he went in and was told, by his dad, not to come back. WTF!!!!


My husband was a consultant, so he doesn't even qualify for unemployment.


That's awful! I'm sorry you have to go through this...you DH may qualify for unemployment being a consultant (unless PA law is different than CA law) as long as his asshole dad approves it...or whomever approves this stuff......you may want to check into it...

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Jenn WTF!?! omg i can't believe it!


call me tomorrow if you can - i have a referral for him - an Executive Coach in our area who has a lot of experience in the Home Building industry, she can help him with his resume, cover letter and defining where to go 'next'.


wow i am so sorry! sad.gif

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Thanks for all of the support ladies :) We have a few appointments with local schools this week, so we'll see where that goes.


DH met with FIL on Thursday. Package is good, as long as he actually gets paid. I'm very concerned about promises that will soon be forgotten, and because there is a weird dynamic when you add the family equation in, nothing is in writing. Not that I think FIL would care if there was a piece of paper saying he was supposed to pay my husband... we've had multiple times where DH just wouldn't get paid for a few weeks because FIL screwed around with the money. So... my concern is of course that now that he is out of sight, paying him will be out of mind. I guess there is no point in worrying about it though. Won't know what will happen until it does.


So here's the most F@#$'d up part of their conversation... FIL starts going on about how the new guy is going to make them all rich, and that's really what's important, blah blah blah... oh and you and Jenn should really invite me and my new girlfriend out to your new house. That would really be nice. I don't know why you haven't yet...


Are you kidding me! We haven't invited anyone out because our house is in construction mode - and in the middle of discussing severence after firing your son you think it is appropriate to invite yourself to our house! voodoo.gifvoodoo.gifvoodoo.gif I hate him!!!

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